Post by YapYes, but must be real in nature....
merlin is not a nature worshiper.
what is real to you? god is our imagination.
whether someone is first to discover that earth travels around the
or some else cannot imagine that and threaten to kill the person that
discovered the solar system.
it all starts in our imaginings.
Post by Yapnot imaginative to satisfy one's
thirst for fantasy.
whose fantasies are you gonna satisfy if not your own quest for love?
everything starts with an idea, not a fact.
our personal experiences is what separates the two for us.
you seem to trying to solve this dilemma about god with your mind.
for is not all experiences human understand in our minds?
Post by YapPost by Merlinhas anyone ever proved god existed to anyone else? nope.
This is true to the one can, simply because there is no
pixie around.
merlin is not talking about pixies. you can believe in them when you
merlin is talking more about the inner witness of your own deeds.
you might call it your consciousness.
merlin sees this as the gateway to god, and this link is opened to god
with love.
Post by YapHa, god dwells, you are funny.
there is no place god is not..........
for men there is one place god can 'hide' that no seems to be able to
find god.
and that is within each of us.
as an example: humans know more about outer space than we do the
deepest darkest oceans.
Post by YapMe is where my emotion, feeling and sensation will interact with
you mind in your imagination.
Post by Yapmy
surrounding, my family, my lover, my nation, my profession and my
work....I waste no nothing for the imaginative pixie....the weak
beings only look up to one.
inward looking is not looking up.
you have an affinity for many things, all conceived in your mind.
yet you do not seem to want to admit that it is all imagined,
imagineered in your mind and made into a library for your use.
go beyond what you know, challenge yourself to travel the universe by
going within in love.
that love will open doors you never imagined.
Post by YapPost by Merlintangible love is like believe and faith, they are the first steps.
Yes, tangible love is for tangible things (pet, girl, family, job,
nation, nature, etc)...isn't this simple enough for any one to
what happens when we don't understand?
when we don't have these seemingly tangible things you speak of?
find where you exist without all these outward motivations, find where
your joy of being
for lack of better words resides within you....... the key to
unlocking this is a love
that does not need object to love.
Post by YapPost by Merlinby loving others we learn to love ourselves and find who we really
Yes, yes....
this is important...... too few people take the time to do this,
and become disappointed when they attain their outward goals.
loving ourselves is allot harder than many think.
that is why it was said, love others as we love ourselves.
Post by YapPost by Merlinyet 'others' are only a shadow of who we are inside.
yes really.
Post by YapIs family, nation and nature just shadows inside us? I don't think so.
you are thinking again..... none of the things you list lasts past
their time.
all such things fade and a new nation is born, and new family is
created and nature changes
from the dinosaurs to giraffes and even the mice in the walls.
Post by YapThere is this kind of love.....we love but look for no return.
you got it.... you know it..... cause you can imagine it.
Post by YapPost by Merlinthat is what all those tragic love songs are about, projecting our
love outward
and finding happiness and disappointment.
Love affairs without care nurture will always be a disaster and may
end up disappointment.
all things in this universe change, it isn't disaster so much as no
longer a need for them to stay the same.
Post by YapLove for our nature such as to strive to preserve the environment
let it go, let it grow, let it become what it evolves into.
don't hold on to the landscape.
look how much humans have evolved in the last 3 million years.
what is next that we would want to preserve the human form as it is
we might be missing out on the next big glory since early eqypt or
Post by Yapwhich will ultimately taking care of all. The return is not so direct.
yet nothing is ever destroyed, e=mc2 says it all.
from energy to matter and back to energy nothing is lost.
and we live somewhere in between yet we are always alive we never die.
which begs us to imagine what are we when we are not matter and only
energy does it not?
Post by YapPost by Merlinthere is only one god.
There is no god...
that you can imagine at the moment.
try the experiment.... to love with all you got
not matter what happens to yah, not matter what...
and see what happens. Merlin isn't promising you anything,
yet merlin knows it worked for merlin.
Post by Yaponly a sucker will believe there is one.
yes P.T.Barnum, there is a sucker a minute.
you remember the man eating chicken that P.T. set up?
people actually thought imagined it was a chicken eating a man......
you remember the sign to get people to leave one of his exhibits?
"egress this way" people thought it was another oddity not an exit.
Post by YapPost by Merlinit is the same god every religion, just in differing fashions and
customs of those times when the religion was created.
Superstition leads to religion.
yes there is such in religion, yet see the religious experience with
as not organized nor defined by any religion and you may work your way
through it.
Post by YapPost by MerlinPost by YapIt could not reveal to you his
you see god as a man?
you said his...............
sweet in a way, it is hard to get around the lexicon of religion that
has crept into our culture.
Post by YapI see man created sky daddy, to be able to live forever or to go
to a empty heaven.
and that is your imagination.
merlin sees god as our imaginations.
the bigger the broader the better.
Post by YapPost by Merlinmerlin sees god as not human nor in human form.
tho some have found god while in human form.
God is a concept in human mind and invented by ancient un-educated
this may seem so to those that have never met god.
everything is a concept.... this is what we have been talking about.
where we get our ideas from, where our preferences reside,
where we keep our own personal experiences in our minds.
isn't it amazing that we can plunk down our words on a key board and
spell our messages
and understand each other? wow. what kinda of imagination does that
when christopher columbus arrived, the natives on shore didn't see the
they had no visual concept for them, that had never imagined them and
could not
see them on the horizon.
Post by YapPost by MerlinPost by Yaplove for fellow believers in incidents
during which >200,000 Christians died in Haitian quake.
nobody ever dies. yes we leave our bodies yet they are not our
permanent homes.
Fantasy will not make it true.
e=mc2 will make the concept real.
remember nothing ever disappears.
everything is efficiently transformed into something else.
unless you don't believe in science.
Post by YapYou can say the above because you have no love ones lost !
love never dies......... people never die........
that we don't know where they go after this life,
does not mean they didn't go somewhere.
and yes merlin has lost friends and loved ones.
tho we will all join them someday, unless they reincarnate before we
get back.
Post by YapPost by Merlinuntil humanity comes to grip with problems around us, people will
construct poorly in earth quake zones.
that is not god's fault, nature does what nature does.
So, your god has zero ability to mend the earth faults?
Nature is what nature is, you have said above that you wish to
preserved your environment
well that includes letting the earth shake does it not?
so now we know the earth shakes, might we not set building standards
that help us survive earth quakes?
there are ancient markers all along the coast of japan showing where
no one should live past those markers towards the shore..... yet
modern japan ignored those markers and built anyway. is that god's
such is the same with the rest of us, why do so many towns build in
flood plains anyway? or build down stream from a damn? or on a known
fault line?
this is the will of man not god's choice.
Post by YapThe what is a god carry balls?
imagine what you might do with god at your back..........
imagine what you might do listening for a still small voice of reason
that you know some how isn't your mind.
imagine what you would do when the whole universe is made available to
and wisdom and experience of that universe is made bare to you that
may do with it what you want in clear consciousness.
imagine the power of you non stipulated love.
Post by YapPost by MerlinPost by YapYou love for such entity is merely a factual symptom of delusional
disease...a disease that has no cure.
and you lack of love proves this to you?
My love can't be wasted on imaginative being or concept....
then you don't love to go to disney world?
disney has made a fortune for many with his imaginings and concepts.
Post by Yapsorry,
ain't my piece of meat.
doesn't have to be.
you will find what you need along the way.
Post by YapPost by Merlinthe goal isn't finding god, the goal is what we do to find god and
what we do after we find god.
So, you refuse to acknowledge that god is just a pixie?
you may not understanding the adventure proposed.
the life of an adventurer is experience of the adventure
and the life after the expedition is over.
those are what shape the adventurer.
and that is one way to define a relationship with god,
look at the stories of previous adventures with god.
from Krishna to Jesus, they all tell the same tail
in differing customs and rituals of life.
yet each one is a map for each of us to find that same treasure.
and the treasure isn't even the point. our lives lived are.
Post by YapPost by Merlinthe otter in Toad Hall went upstream and found god, and while
returning forgot what he had done.
such is the life.
The otter is looking for survival...
the otter went looking for god.
Post by Yapwhat it found was food.
there was spiritual food yes.
Post by YapNow, when it comes back, it will digest and feel hungry again and its
cycle begins again...much the same for human.
The nature provide otter with the chance to hunt for survival....but
nature is no god.
this happens to all of us, we experience the divine and soon go back
to our daily lives
and seemingly don't remember. the exciting part is when someone pops
their head up
and starts to remember an experience with god, and starts to talk
about it and explain it,
and it almost always is outside the traditional religion of those
people didn't get jesus at all, the murdered jesus for blasphemy
against the roman state religion.
so your not understanding what is proposed here is part of human
nature. that is why love
is ask for from Kirshna to Jesus, to help us gain the experience that
this love brings.
Post by YapPost by MerlinPost by YapPost by Merlinin love with the living loving gay jesus,
What living what loving?
no one ever dies, we live 'forever' we were here at the big bang, we
will be hear when the universe is swallowed back up.
in the process we have learned so much about ourselves we now use
electricity and don't always have to swing from trees.
Well, you are talking about evolution....
yes we have evolved from thinking the earth is the center of the
Post by Yapwe are still apes.
your imagination isn't.
humans have survived and out smarted several species to become earth's
top dog.......
how long will we remain at this pinnacle?
Post by YapWe evolve sufficiently to be able to cultivate our food, grow our food
and not live on the trees.
you make it sound easy. it wasn't easy to imagine turning the first
rock or stick into a tool.
it takes looking at it, and imagining it to be something other than
what it obviously is......
now add love to the mix and see what happens.
Post by YapPost by Merlinlook at Lucy from three million years ago as our early ancestor, we
haven't changed that much, tho we have refined out bodies and learn to
use bigger tools. What can we imagine next.
You say Lucy, I say "zen". We know not how we came into being...but we
look forward and not backwards.
don't ignored the past, it proves how far our imaginings have come.
the future is shaped by our efforts to imagine today.
Post by YapPost by Merlinin love with the living loving gay jesus,
Pathetic bigotry.
LOL, love always wins in the end.
in love with the living loving gay jesus,
Post by YapPost by Merlinmerlin
Post by YapPost by MerlinPost by Christopher A. Lee It doesn't matter how a person arrives at the strong belief
It matters a lot, it is EVERYTHING, to a rational person. You are the
opposite of a rational person.
"Faith" in something based on many and repeatable concrete verifications,
such as in scientific experiments
Keeping in mind the fact that God can't allow proof of his existence if
What "fact" is the imbecile talking about?
Now *there's* your problem. You should read more Douglas Adams, and
you'd know that if God revealed His existence unambiguously (as
through having created something that couldn't be produced through
chance evolution), He would disappear forever. QED. He's talking
about the God of H2G2. HTH.