Lest ye forget ... G's (Government's) US ... democracy defined.
(too old to reply)
2019-07-05 20:24:16 UTC
One of the things I remember about what Benjamin Franklin did was his being responsible for changing the name of the United Colonies (UC) to the United States (US). According to Benjamin Franklin, the Revelation mark, name, image, and number; deciphered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666 as "Gravitation's US", the wisdom of G, JESUS, G's US, 666 x 10^-10 length^3/mass-time^2; was also the wisdom of democracy, "Government's US".

In short, G's UC did not both speak like G's US did, according to Benjamin Franklin's September 9, 1776 letter of the Second Continental Congress. All of the G men finally agreed, and on March 1, 1781 the United Colonies (UC) name was officially changed to the United States (US), because of Benjamin Franklin's wisdom of G's US.

Lest ye forget ... G's (Government's) US ... democracy defined.

by Benjamin Franklin
2019-07-06 14:06:47 UTC
Post by D***@aol.com
One of the things I remember about what Benjamin Franklin did was his being responsible for changing the name of the United Colonies (UC) to the United States (US). According to Benjamin Franklin, the Revelation mark, name, image, and number; deciphered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666 as "Gravitation's US", the wisdom of G, JESUS, G's US, 666 x 10^-10 length^3/mass-time^2; was also the wisdom of democracy, "Government's US".
In short, G's UC did not both speak like G's US did, according to Benjamin Franklin's September 9, 1776 letter of the Second Continental Congress. All of the G men finally agreed, and on March 1, 1781 the United Colonies (UC) name was officially changed to the United States (US), because of Benjamin Franklin's wisdom of G's US.
Lest ye forget ... G's (Government's) US ... democracy defined.
by Benjamin Franklin
G's (Government's) US, Democracy Defined, by Benjamin Franklin
G's (Government's) US, Democracy Defined, by Benjamin Franklin

