Post by Sylvia ElsePost by Wm. EsquePost by Sylvia ElsePost by m***@.Post by DaleDo we abstract or do we just infer around unknowns or something like that?
Blind Faith?
Do only theists utilize blind faith?
Strong atheism is more faith dependant than any other religious belief.
How do you quantify faith dependency?
It's obvious, atheist have not falsified the hypothesis that God exist
and Created the universe and life.
And than theists have not falsified the hypothesis that God does not
exist and did no create the universe and life.
To the extent that these can be quantified at all, they appear to be equal.
Not exactly. A few years ago I was where you are today. However, in
reading about recent discoveries concerning the universe and how it came
about, I came to the conclusion that the odds favor the involvement of
some super intellect. I am in reference to the Anthropic Principle(AP),
first advanced by a colleague of Stephen Hawkins, and Roger Penrose,
theoretical physicist Brandon Carter. While it is controversial as to
what the A.P. means, only a few scientist deny the reality of these
discoveries. These are refereed to as fundamental constants. They have
very narrow numerical values about 1% kind of things. Any slight change
in any of these values would alter the universe or prevent it from existing.
1)The gravitational constant: which determines strength of gravity. If any
less then stars would have insufficient pressure to overcome Coulomb
barrier to start thermonuclear fusion. No stars no sunlight.
If the gravity constant were higher, stars burn too fast, use up fuel
before life could appear and evolve.
2)The strong force coupling constant is that which holds particles together
in atom's nucleus. If this force were weaker, then multi-proton
particles could not hold together and hydrogen would be the only element
in the
If the strong force were stronger, elements lighter than iron would
be rare. Also radioactive decay would be less, this heats core of Earth.
3) The electromagnetic coupling constant determines the strength of
electromagnetic force which holds electrons to nucleus. If it were less,
then no electrons held in their respective valences. If stronger,
electrons will not bond with other atoms; either way, there would be no
All the above constants are critical to the formation of the basic
building blocks of life. And, the range of possible values for these
constants is very narrow range, only about 1 to 5% for the constants.
Beyond this range, life and particularly intelligent life)
would be impossible.
Many scientist and philosphers turn to multiverses to explain
these "fine tuned constants".
They argue that it's possible to imagine numerous different universes
with entirely different kinds of universes each with it's own set of
fundamental constants.
"For example, a universe with a lower gravitational constant would have
a weaker force of gravity, where stars and planets might not form.
Or a universe with a high strong force which would inhibit thermonuclear
fusion, which would make the luminosity of stars be much lower, a darker
universe, and life would have to evolve without sunlight. Why don't
those Universes exist? Why does our Universe, with its special value
exist rather than another? Is there something fundamental to our physics
that makes the present values for physical constants expected?
This dilemma of the extremely narrow range of values for physical
constants is allowed for the evolution of conscious creatures, such as
ourselves. If the Universe has those properties which allow life to
develop within it then there must exists one possible Universe
'designed' with the goal of generating and sustaining `observers'
Or is there an Alternative: The multiverse~ Which could explain how our
universe 'lucked out". Where there are infinite numbers of universes
each with its own set of fundamental constants the chances of at least
one universe with the necessary values for intelligent life to exist is
a matter of stasitics.
Other universes which are very different universes (THE MULTIVERSE)is
necessary to explain how our universe just happened to have the
constants with the necessary values for life and especially intelligent
life to exist and evolve: and for the existence of our Universe.
So, in my mind it comes down to what is the most reasonable, the
multivers, or a universe which somehow "knew" we were coming.