Post by The BORGPost by Mitchell HolmanPost by Daleatheism asserts there is no spirituality?
isn't this a prediction that must be tested before having theory status?
Everyone is born an atheist. Even you.
At some point you were taught to believe in
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and God.
Then you grew up and stopped believing in
those fantasies.
Well, most of them anyway.
Which ones do you retain and why?
That is not true.
Oh yes it is.
Post by The BORGWe know of many other Worlds and people who exist and they ALL believe
in a Greater Intelligence/Creator of some kind.
No they don't. None of the other worlds even have religion. Well Pluto maybe.
Post by The BORGIt is normal and natural to be that way.
No, it's something that has to be taught, like riding a bike. We aren't born knowing how to ride a bile or swim and many other things. We are not born theist.
Post by The BORGEarth is the ONLY place where they have atheism.
See above.
Post by The BORGBut then Earth is the ONLY place where they do abortion and where the
Men are not Dominant and in Charge, and Earth is the ONLY place where
women are violent and verbally abusive to their children and where the
people are most horribly cruel to the animals and birds and fish and
where the women are totally out of order and out of place.
Only where they have grown out of it and realized that civility is a virtue.
Post by The BORGAtheism is a Bad thing, it is not a Good thing.
Based on the evidence, atheism is the only thing. Nothing in any religion has been found to be true. No evidence has ever been found to prove that any deity exists.
Post by The BORGBut then there are a lot of Bad things on Earth.
As long as there is free will and no emphasis on logic and truth, then you wil get bad people doing bad things.
Post by The BORGAnd that is why Earth is such and ugly place and why the people there
have so much suffering.
Earth is far from ugly. From space it is a wonder to behold. At ground level it has some of the most beautiful natural wonders one could ever hope to see.
I would argue that much of the world's suffering is caused by religion, especially the Catholic religion which refuses to allow birth control. Then there are evil people who have formed governments based on wrong ideas about human beings and how an economy works, who have their citizens as virtual slaves. Slaves are by definition suffering. All the suffering in the world could be eradicated if we turned from faith to science and logic instead of faith or ideas that fail in the real world, like communism.
Post by The BORGIf the people were Good and did what was Right, then they would not
Most likely. But getting the world to abandon ideas that they have held for over a thousand years is tough. Worse still the people who cling the most to these bad ideas are not interpreting them correctly. That's part of the problem with ideas held with faith instead of evidence. That's why religion is evil. All religions expect their followers to accept certain dogma. It doesn't matter if the dogma fits in with reality.
Any idea expected to be held as true must have evidence. Faith is the opposite of logic. Faith is not a tool of cognition any more than feelings are. It is not people with no faith that are flying planes into buildings or exploding themselves in order to try and win back some real estate they think God gave them.
Post by The BORGAnd God makes sure of that.
And you can prove this how exactly?