On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 02:50:31 -0800 (PST),
***@gmail.com wrote:
The conscious mind, or consciousness is merely the
minority player within the brain. It serves as a mirror to
reflect back upon itself to observe the operations and
processes which comprise it's function.
If brain function were an iceberg, then surely
consciousness is that tip that floats above the water.
Any reactive system composed of a sensor connected to
an actuator by a logical processor is by definition a
"conscious" system . It's only a question of "how conscious
is it?" What is the MAGNITUDE of it's consciousness? That
is the only real question!
A "thermostat" is micro-minimally conscious. A simple
robot run by a computer" is more conscious, but still way
below the consciousness of a human being. Roger Penrose
points out that a one celled animal, a paramecium for
instance, exhibits "conscious" behavior and I agree it
does... but still, only very minimally. So does a cockroach
that can avoid dangers, but still millions of orders of
magnitude below the consciousness of a human being who can
write Hamlet or fly a P-51 Mustang.
Anyway , when such a system is up and running is said to
be "conscious" and when the power is shut off, or the person
falls asleep or takes ether, the system is said to be
It's as simple as that. Like you just said, there is
absolutely no mystery to the concept of "consciousness"...
it's a simple concept!
Therefore it absolutely boggles the mind to hear
biologists, psychologists and even some physicists refer to
"consciousness" as a physical entity associated with the
"fabricof the universe" and possibly existing ever since the
"Big Bang". What nonsense! Have these people taken leave of
their senses or what? They even hold large conferences
called symposiums on Consciousness" where they try to figure
out how the quantum vacuum must produce a disembodied spirit
called "consciousness". For chrissakes, what the hell is
wrong with these people?
OKAY, Sir Competitive Flossing, I think you and i agree on
what Consciousness is! But then you go on to say:
The phenomenon of creating "God" is an integral part of
integrating the ego into the untenable extremities of the
natural world, with specific regard given to death, climate,
agriculture, and reason for existence. To create a
"relationship" with the uncontrollable, many rituals are
integrated within this culture of worship. Although laden
with inconsistencies of causality, one of the most effective
artifacts is the storybook.
And with the mention of God now, you're beginning to
sound like one of those nuts discussing Consciousness as if
it's a sophisticated and complex mystery of the mind or
something. It's not... Consciousness is a SIMPLE phenomenon
and so is God.
I think their problem is confusing Consciousness with
God, and your problem is that while you know what
Consciousness is, you have failed to figure out what the
"Unconscious" mind is! Failed to figure it out I say,
because you are apparently unaware that the "Unconscious
Mind" so-called, is in fact identically the cause of the
phenomenon of God!
So let me try and enlighten you on that point. The
"unconscious" mind is also a stunningly simple concept but
which has been totally obscured for 100 years because Freud
who coined the phrase and made the concept world famous,
did not himself ever clearly recognize the stunningly simple
cause of it!
The reason he never really identified the cause of the
unconscious mind is that it is caused by the human "growth
deficit" which was only officially discovered biologically
about 100 years ago (referred to as the Secular Trend in
human growth today in Auxology) . Freud probably
suspected that it was the human growth shortfall that caused
it, but there was no experimental evidence available in
those days, and any such claim would've been very
controversial and unproveable.
Okay, so the human brain is what makes you conscious, but
according to the well documented Secular Trend in human
growth (development) the average person is only about 80%
fully grown. This figure increases with every passing
generation and is called the "Secular Trend" in growth.
According to this, the average person is only about "80%
fully grown" and therefore is "20% unconscious".
IOW if 20% of your body is missing (i.e. ungrown) then 20%
of your brain must be missing likewise. Now it's not
actually totally missing, it's simply "ungrown" and
therefore feebly still functions....... this feeble function
is what is known today as Freud's famous "unconscious mind".
And guess what... this "unconscious" (or subconscious)
part of the mind is what is popularly called "God". The 20%
missing part of the brain simply causes 20% of ordinary
human reality to be "invisible" to the average person, and
this "invisible world" was noticed thousands and thousands
of years ago and today is popularly referred to as "Heaven".
Meanwhile, the (invisible) fully grown man is referred to as
the anthropomorphic "God of the Bible".
Hope that clears up all of the mystery for you!
Incidentally I've published all of this on several websites
where it can be seen today, as well as in a short easily
comprehended i00 page book
which can be obtained from Amazon books, etc.
Okay, so it turns out that there is a God and
scientifically explaining what God is, is a relatively
straightforward scientific problem. Of course I was only
able to prove it because a worldwide army of academic
research psychologists has been busy for 50 years using
desktop computers to give tens of millions of people
eigenvector based psychology tests and publish all of it
in a vast peer-reviewed literature. It was this
experimental result which provided the experimental basis
for proving my discovery of the world's first scientific
proof of God!
So, while a scientific proof of God turned out to be a
cakewalk, the theory of "life after death" so-called, is a
much, much more challenging scientific problem, and
if it exists, in entails highly advanced and sophisticated
microbiological (microtubule) research. And that research
is what my original target post was about.
And dreams, well...
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
... the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
I appreciate your erudite and learned post Sir
Competitive Flossing... very refreshing to receive
a commentary with actual real intellectual content.
A rarity on today's news groups.
Meanwhile, I continue to investigate and ponder
the question of life after death. I mean, look at it this
it turns out that religion and the Bible were correct about
the existence and properties of God while so many,
including myself, doubted it.
If they were right about God in the face of all that
opposition and skepticism, one has to wonder if
they are also right about life after death?
George Hammond MS Physics Hyannis MA Nov. 2015
See: http://independent.academia.edu/GeorgeHammond
for details