Garrison Hilliard
2016-10-28 17:16:45 UTC
PopularTrending March 17, 2016
When confronted with mysteries in life we are all too quick to head
over to Google, or any other search engine, in order to try and find
out the answer. Google itself is an invention borne by the work of
scientists years and years before our usage. In that same way we have
grown to assume that science can answer every question that is lobbed
at us, or at least go a long way toward giving us an adequate answer.
Yet, science isnt a perfect art and the very nature of our reality
means that we will always be hunting for answers. We decided to pick
10 of the most amazing mysteries that science hasnt been able to
explain. Keep on reading but be forewarned that these mysteries might
keep you up at night.
Cows will face directly north or south while eating, always.
Lets face it: nobody is sitting around trying to figure out the what
direction most animals face while they are eating. For instance, our
cat would sit on its head if it meant that it could get a few extra
treats. Fortunately there are scientists out there much smarter than
us. Utilizing satellite images pulled from Google Earth, a team of
researchers found that cows always stood facing the magnetic poles
within the Earth while eating or resting. Always. Spooky, right?
Why do we need sleep?
When you consider how much time we spend sleeping it seems like a
given that we really need it. And we do! We do really need to sleep in
order to stay healthy and stay alive. However, scientists arent sure
why this is exactly. Every creature on the planet experiences some
form of sleep and right now one of the leading theories is that we
sleep for brain maintenance. Crazy!
Why did some mammals turn back to the ocean?
Evolution is one of the most consistent and heralded scientific
theories around today and it has survived for numerous years and
likely will continue to do so. Still, we are left with some questions.
We understand why evolution would bring animals out of the water and
onto land, but what would cause the inverse to be true such as what
happened with the ancestors of seals? Evolution from within the waters
is a much trickier situation and one that doesnt make sense with our
current scientific understanding.
Scientists understand how magnets work to a degree but what they dont
understand is this: why do natural magnets ALWAYS have a north and
south pole? Further, no matter how many times you cut a magnet in half
you will always get a magnet that has a north and south pole. Pretty
strange right? Scientists can generate lab made magnets that only have
a north or south pole, but out in the wild this is simply not the case
it has never happened simply put we just dont know why. You know
what, lets just set magnets aside entirely. Why do they even exist?
A Cats Purr
Is there anything more symbolic of domesticated contentment than the
purr of a cat? If there is we havent heard of it. If you have a cat
then you know just how content your kitty is when they are purring and
there is little more rewarding for a cat owner than to bask in the
love of an adoring cat. Yet, this simple act of purring has kept
scientists on the edge of pulling out their hair for as long as
theyve been studying our feline friends. Scientists today cannot
figure out how exactly cats manufacture their purring. Scientists to
this day dont have a solid answer down but the leading hypothesis is
that cats use the vocal folds in their larynx in order to create the
vibrating sounds we interpret as purrs. Why do domesticated cats all
choose to do this? No idea.
The Placebo Effect
If you are a child of the 90s then the most iconic placebo effect
moment occurred in the Michael Jordan/Looney Toons crossover Space
Jam. In that film our cartoon heroes drink from a bottle labeled
Special Stuff and then they are suddenly able to defeat the vile
MonStars in a game of basketball along with the help of Bill Murray
and Michael Jordan (oh werent the 90s incredible?). The thing is,
the placebo effect is real and has been shown to repeatedly occur in
controlled tests by leading scientific studies. As long as your brain
believes that your medication will work then it likely will. Pretty
crazy right? It seems like our brain is willing our body to heal
through the power of our faith in a sugar filled dummy pill. The
craziest thing of all is this: even when we realize that it is just a
placebo, the effect continues to work. The placebo effect isnt just
restricted to pills either as it can be found widespread in your life.
The Act of Yawning
Yawning itself isnt very exciting. In fact, the yawn is commonly used
as a symbol of boredom or fatigue. Yawning is a part of our life
pretty much from birth and it persists with us all throughout. No
matter where you live or were born, you yawn thats just how your
body works. The only tricky thing is this: we dont know why exactly
we yawn. There are many theories floating around as to the
pervasiveness of our yawning but nothing is concrete. One theory
explains that we yawn due to a subtle lack of oxygen flow, thus
probing ourselves into the act of gulping down some extra oxygen. As I
wrote this I began to yawn. Crazy world we live in, right?
The Voynich Manuscript
Alright, weve played around with some lighter mysteries and now we
deserve to dig a little deeper. Next up well talk about the
unintelligible Voynich Manuscript. The Voynich Manuscript is a 246
page book that is filled with botanical illustrations along with
written word that modern man has so far been incapable of deciphering.
Carbon dating places the book at around 1400 but our inability to
translate the words in the manuscript has made it near impossible to
place in terms of which civilization or culture it belongs to. Right
now researches are tentatively calling it a book on medicine but there
is no clear reason as to why it is incapable of being translated.
The Stone Balls of Costa Rica.
Stonehenge is a majestic place to visit and one that is undoubtedly
filled with great mystery and nobility. Was Stonehenge a religious or
spiritual place? Was it created to welcome aliens to Earth? Who knows?
In Costa Rica there is a similar mystery haunting locals but it
doesnt quite have the curbside appeal of Stonehenge: giant stone
balls. All over Costa Rica you can find perfectly spherical stone
balls that range in size from bowling balls all the way to about eight
feet in total size. These balls are littered throughout the country
and the perfect craftsmanship makes them unlikely to have been made by
locals with crude tools. Nobody knows where they came from or how they
got there.
Powerful Cosmic Rays
Albert Einsteins theory of relativity has been instrumental in the
world of science for many reasons. One of those reasons is its
application to the GZK Limit. The GZK Limit sets a proposed ceiling on
how powerful cosmic rays can be when they hit Earth and filter through
our atmosphere. However, scientists across the ocean at the Akeno
Observatory of Japan have found powerful cosmic rays that have
routinely blown through this ceiling. The source of these powerful
rays has never been identified and further research has come up dry
when trying to get an answer. Surely, theres no Marvin the Martian
pointing his gun at our planet. So whats the deal? Activities like
this remind us that while we have come so far, there is just so very
far to go.
The Vanishing of Pilot Fred Valentich
Flight is one of the greatest marvels of modern man but continued
incidents leave us wondering just what is going on in our sky. Back in
1978 a pilot by the name of Fred Valentich simply vanished while
flying his plane. The Australian pilot was flying a Cessna 182L on a
training mission. While in the air Valentich radioed in to command,
located in Melbourne, and reported that an object was flying over him
at a high rate of speed. Metallic scraping sounds followed his voice
and soon all transmission was lost. Fred Valentich and his airplane
were never seen or heard from again. Did Valentich run into an alien
spacecraft and get abducted? Did Valentich stage the whole thing and
simply vanish with the plane? The truth is that we will never know and
perhaps that is the greatest sadness of all. There is no closure to
this great mystery and there likely never will be.
The Cocaine Mummies
Cocaine is pretty prevalent in the modern world and it sort of seems
like a timeless drug. The fact is that it hasnt always been there and
thats why German scientists, who tested the remnants of Egyptian
mummies, were so floored by the prevalence of the drug. Back in 1992
scientists were testing the chemical make up of Egyptian mummy
remains. Inside the bones, skin, and hair of these embalmed people the
scientists found evidence of cocaine and tobacco. These drugs werent
in Egypt at the time as the drug was cultivated in the Americas. There
has been no documented trading between the two communities so the
scientists were understandably baffled. Where were these mummies
getting their fix?
The Bloop.
If you are like me then nothing should scare you quite as much as the
ocean. The ocean is deep, wide, and full of mysterious unknowns. In
truth, we have barely even scratched the surface of the mysteries that
the ocean holds and that is why The Bloop is so terrifying. Way back
in 2007 the Unite States NOAA department (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Admin.) located a powerful, long, and loud sound emitting
from underwater. The sound seemed almost animal like but it registered
as louder than even the largest known sea creatures in the ocean could
emit. Immediately theories about Cthulu or some other beast of the
deep began to fill the internet. The truth is, we will likely never
know what made the haunting, deep, and powerful sound.
just what is on Mars?
Mars is the one planet that weve turned into a pop culture phenomenon
for potential life outside of our planet. Research into Mars keeps
uncovering more and more questions. For example, scientists are
capturing dark and extensive streaks near the surface of the planet
that only show up during the warm season of the planet. Scientists
dont detect water in these areas so we are left with nothing but some
pictures and more questions. What are these streaks and where do they
go when it gets cold?
Why is being right handed the norm?
When you meet someone who is left handed you probably immediately go,
Whoa, thats cool!. What you dont take time to realize is this; why
should being left handed be such a rare thing? Conservative estimates
show that 70% of the worlds population is right handed and extreme
estimates conclude that almost 95% of the world is right handed. Why?
What makes this happen? At some point in time we must have decided
that being right handed is correct.
What does a black hole feel like?
For a long time the prevailing opinion was that you wouldnt feel much
of anything if you fell into a black hole, at least not until you
passed through the Event Horizon. Now scientific calculations believe
that you would head straight into a giant wall of fire, burning
instantly to nothing. We likely will never know the answer to these
gigantic questions.
Why is life so diverse near the equator?
The further you move away from cold climates and toward the equator,
the more diverse life will become. Alexander von Humboldt, a Prussian
explorer, first noted how biodiversity was massively more diverse and
extraordinary near the equator as opposed to anywhere else on the
planet. There are more types of people, flowers, creatures, and even
diseases in this area. Some will point to the warmth as a result but
scientists still arent sure what is causing this to happen.
Where are all of the aliens at?
And no, we arent talking about the kind that Donald Trump seems so
obsessed with. If you play the statistical game of averages wed
expect to have run into some lifelike creatures from out of this
world. If you follow the concept of nearly limitless planets and
galaxies then it stands to reason that there would be another planet
full of life out there. Perhaps they just dont want to talk to us. We
cant blame them: again, Donald Trump.
How has water always existed on Earth?
The Earth is so old that it is hard to really put it into words and
numbers wont do it justice. Well just say that at one point in time
the sun was too far from the planet in order to melt the ice on Earth.
However, research shows that liquid water has been on the planet for
nearly 4 billion years coinciding with the evolution of life. Our
main question is simple: how was the water in liquid form?
What happened to the Eil Malk Jellyfish?
We know that species of animals everywhere are constantly dying out,
mostly due to human intervention. In the year 1998 all of the
jellyfish in Eil Malk Lake were found to have died out. In the year
2000 the jellyfish had all returned as if nothing was amiss. Where did
they go? How did the jellyfish come back?
Why is sexual reproduction a thing?
Lets avoid any discussion of the bible in this mystery. Ask yourself:
why is sexual reproduction a thing? Why would evolution mandate
literally half of a species, all men, be incapable of producing
offspring? What is the reason for this clearly disadvantaged gender?
The leading theory talks about reduction in potentially negative
mutations but there is still no concrete reason as of yet.
What is happening with Saturns hurricane?
Hurricanes on Earth are huge and terrifying and they are the result of
warm and cold ocean currents coming together. In 2013 a hurricane was
spotted on Saturn that showed up as 20 times larger than any hurricane
ever recorded on Earth. Where did the hurricane come from? There are
oceans on Saturn. Furthermore why doesnt the hurricane ever vanish?
Just what is going on there?
How do butterflies know where to go?
Every year the Monarch Butterfly will go on a great journey, thousands
of miles, for their migration. The journey will months upon months.
Monarch Butterflies lay eggs when they reach the end of the journey
and then they die off, having a life cycle of just six months. Soehow
the newborn butterflies know the exact route home. How do they know
where to go?
Where is all of the lithium?
Are you ready for a lesson in science? Lithium is considered the
lightest metal that we know of. Lithium itself has an atomic number of
just 3 and despite its size the material is used extensively: bombs,
metal work, batteries and even medicine. What strikes scientists as
truly bizarre is that we dont know why it is so rare. Everywhere
youd think to find lithium we end up finding just a fraction of what
should be there.
What are the Pyrophyllite Spheres?
South African miners found a collection of metal spheres within
Pyriphyllite deposits. These spheres were carbon dated to be over 2.8
billion years old, predating intelligent life by quite a large margin.
The craziest thing about these spheres is that they have markings on
them and are balanced more accurately than we can even make them
today. Creepy!
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When confronted with mysteries in life we are all too quick to head
over to Google, or any other search engine, in order to try and find
out the answer. Google itself is an invention borne by the work of
scientists years and years before our usage. In that same way we have
grown to assume that science can answer every question that is lobbed
at us, or at least go a long way toward giving us an adequate answer.
Yet, science isnt a perfect art and the very nature of our reality
means that we will always be hunting for answers. We decided to pick
10 of the most amazing mysteries that science hasnt been able to
explain. Keep on reading but be forewarned that these mysteries might
keep you up at night.
Cows will face directly north or south while eating, always.
Lets face it: nobody is sitting around trying to figure out the what
direction most animals face while they are eating. For instance, our
cat would sit on its head if it meant that it could get a few extra
treats. Fortunately there are scientists out there much smarter than
us. Utilizing satellite images pulled from Google Earth, a team of
researchers found that cows always stood facing the magnetic poles
within the Earth while eating or resting. Always. Spooky, right?
Why do we need sleep?
When you consider how much time we spend sleeping it seems like a
given that we really need it. And we do! We do really need to sleep in
order to stay healthy and stay alive. However, scientists arent sure
why this is exactly. Every creature on the planet experiences some
form of sleep and right now one of the leading theories is that we
sleep for brain maintenance. Crazy!
Why did some mammals turn back to the ocean?
Evolution is one of the most consistent and heralded scientific
theories around today and it has survived for numerous years and
likely will continue to do so. Still, we are left with some questions.
We understand why evolution would bring animals out of the water and
onto land, but what would cause the inverse to be true such as what
happened with the ancestors of seals? Evolution from within the waters
is a much trickier situation and one that doesnt make sense with our
current scientific understanding.
Scientists understand how magnets work to a degree but what they dont
understand is this: why do natural magnets ALWAYS have a north and
south pole? Further, no matter how many times you cut a magnet in half
you will always get a magnet that has a north and south pole. Pretty
strange right? Scientists can generate lab made magnets that only have
a north or south pole, but out in the wild this is simply not the case
it has never happened simply put we just dont know why. You know
what, lets just set magnets aside entirely. Why do they even exist?
A Cats Purr
Is there anything more symbolic of domesticated contentment than the
purr of a cat? If there is we havent heard of it. If you have a cat
then you know just how content your kitty is when they are purring and
there is little more rewarding for a cat owner than to bask in the
love of an adoring cat. Yet, this simple act of purring has kept
scientists on the edge of pulling out their hair for as long as
theyve been studying our feline friends. Scientists today cannot
figure out how exactly cats manufacture their purring. Scientists to
this day dont have a solid answer down but the leading hypothesis is
that cats use the vocal folds in their larynx in order to create the
vibrating sounds we interpret as purrs. Why do domesticated cats all
choose to do this? No idea.
The Placebo Effect
If you are a child of the 90s then the most iconic placebo effect
moment occurred in the Michael Jordan/Looney Toons crossover Space
Jam. In that film our cartoon heroes drink from a bottle labeled
Special Stuff and then they are suddenly able to defeat the vile
MonStars in a game of basketball along with the help of Bill Murray
and Michael Jordan (oh werent the 90s incredible?). The thing is,
the placebo effect is real and has been shown to repeatedly occur in
controlled tests by leading scientific studies. As long as your brain
believes that your medication will work then it likely will. Pretty
crazy right? It seems like our brain is willing our body to heal
through the power of our faith in a sugar filled dummy pill. The
craziest thing of all is this: even when we realize that it is just a
placebo, the effect continues to work. The placebo effect isnt just
restricted to pills either as it can be found widespread in your life.
The Act of Yawning
Yawning itself isnt very exciting. In fact, the yawn is commonly used
as a symbol of boredom or fatigue. Yawning is a part of our life
pretty much from birth and it persists with us all throughout. No
matter where you live or were born, you yawn thats just how your
body works. The only tricky thing is this: we dont know why exactly
we yawn. There are many theories floating around as to the
pervasiveness of our yawning but nothing is concrete. One theory
explains that we yawn due to a subtle lack of oxygen flow, thus
probing ourselves into the act of gulping down some extra oxygen. As I
wrote this I began to yawn. Crazy world we live in, right?
The Voynich Manuscript
Alright, weve played around with some lighter mysteries and now we
deserve to dig a little deeper. Next up well talk about the
unintelligible Voynich Manuscript. The Voynich Manuscript is a 246
page book that is filled with botanical illustrations along with
written word that modern man has so far been incapable of deciphering.
Carbon dating places the book at around 1400 but our inability to
translate the words in the manuscript has made it near impossible to
place in terms of which civilization or culture it belongs to. Right
now researches are tentatively calling it a book on medicine but there
is no clear reason as to why it is incapable of being translated.
The Stone Balls of Costa Rica.
Stonehenge is a majestic place to visit and one that is undoubtedly
filled with great mystery and nobility. Was Stonehenge a religious or
spiritual place? Was it created to welcome aliens to Earth? Who knows?
In Costa Rica there is a similar mystery haunting locals but it
doesnt quite have the curbside appeal of Stonehenge: giant stone
balls. All over Costa Rica you can find perfectly spherical stone
balls that range in size from bowling balls all the way to about eight
feet in total size. These balls are littered throughout the country
and the perfect craftsmanship makes them unlikely to have been made by
locals with crude tools. Nobody knows where they came from or how they
got there.
Powerful Cosmic Rays
Albert Einsteins theory of relativity has been instrumental in the
world of science for many reasons. One of those reasons is its
application to the GZK Limit. The GZK Limit sets a proposed ceiling on
how powerful cosmic rays can be when they hit Earth and filter through
our atmosphere. However, scientists across the ocean at the Akeno
Observatory of Japan have found powerful cosmic rays that have
routinely blown through this ceiling. The source of these powerful
rays has never been identified and further research has come up dry
when trying to get an answer. Surely, theres no Marvin the Martian
pointing his gun at our planet. So whats the deal? Activities like
this remind us that while we have come so far, there is just so very
far to go.
The Vanishing of Pilot Fred Valentich
Flight is one of the greatest marvels of modern man but continued
incidents leave us wondering just what is going on in our sky. Back in
1978 a pilot by the name of Fred Valentich simply vanished while
flying his plane. The Australian pilot was flying a Cessna 182L on a
training mission. While in the air Valentich radioed in to command,
located in Melbourne, and reported that an object was flying over him
at a high rate of speed. Metallic scraping sounds followed his voice
and soon all transmission was lost. Fred Valentich and his airplane
were never seen or heard from again. Did Valentich run into an alien
spacecraft and get abducted? Did Valentich stage the whole thing and
simply vanish with the plane? The truth is that we will never know and
perhaps that is the greatest sadness of all. There is no closure to
this great mystery and there likely never will be.
The Cocaine Mummies
Cocaine is pretty prevalent in the modern world and it sort of seems
like a timeless drug. The fact is that it hasnt always been there and
thats why German scientists, who tested the remnants of Egyptian
mummies, were so floored by the prevalence of the drug. Back in 1992
scientists were testing the chemical make up of Egyptian mummy
remains. Inside the bones, skin, and hair of these embalmed people the
scientists found evidence of cocaine and tobacco. These drugs werent
in Egypt at the time as the drug was cultivated in the Americas. There
has been no documented trading between the two communities so the
scientists were understandably baffled. Where were these mummies
getting their fix?
The Bloop.
If you are like me then nothing should scare you quite as much as the
ocean. The ocean is deep, wide, and full of mysterious unknowns. In
truth, we have barely even scratched the surface of the mysteries that
the ocean holds and that is why The Bloop is so terrifying. Way back
in 2007 the Unite States NOAA department (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Admin.) located a powerful, long, and loud sound emitting
from underwater. The sound seemed almost animal like but it registered
as louder than even the largest known sea creatures in the ocean could
emit. Immediately theories about Cthulu or some other beast of the
deep began to fill the internet. The truth is, we will likely never
know what made the haunting, deep, and powerful sound.
just what is on Mars?
Mars is the one planet that weve turned into a pop culture phenomenon
for potential life outside of our planet. Research into Mars keeps
uncovering more and more questions. For example, scientists are
capturing dark and extensive streaks near the surface of the planet
that only show up during the warm season of the planet. Scientists
dont detect water in these areas so we are left with nothing but some
pictures and more questions. What are these streaks and where do they
go when it gets cold?
Why is being right handed the norm?
When you meet someone who is left handed you probably immediately go,
Whoa, thats cool!. What you dont take time to realize is this; why
should being left handed be such a rare thing? Conservative estimates
show that 70% of the worlds population is right handed and extreme
estimates conclude that almost 95% of the world is right handed. Why?
What makes this happen? At some point in time we must have decided
that being right handed is correct.
What does a black hole feel like?
For a long time the prevailing opinion was that you wouldnt feel much
of anything if you fell into a black hole, at least not until you
passed through the Event Horizon. Now scientific calculations believe
that you would head straight into a giant wall of fire, burning
instantly to nothing. We likely will never know the answer to these
gigantic questions.
Why is life so diverse near the equator?
The further you move away from cold climates and toward the equator,
the more diverse life will become. Alexander von Humboldt, a Prussian
explorer, first noted how biodiversity was massively more diverse and
extraordinary near the equator as opposed to anywhere else on the
planet. There are more types of people, flowers, creatures, and even
diseases in this area. Some will point to the warmth as a result but
scientists still arent sure what is causing this to happen.
Where are all of the aliens at?
And no, we arent talking about the kind that Donald Trump seems so
obsessed with. If you play the statistical game of averages wed
expect to have run into some lifelike creatures from out of this
world. If you follow the concept of nearly limitless planets and
galaxies then it stands to reason that there would be another planet
full of life out there. Perhaps they just dont want to talk to us. We
cant blame them: again, Donald Trump.
How has water always existed on Earth?
The Earth is so old that it is hard to really put it into words and
numbers wont do it justice. Well just say that at one point in time
the sun was too far from the planet in order to melt the ice on Earth.
However, research shows that liquid water has been on the planet for
nearly 4 billion years coinciding with the evolution of life. Our
main question is simple: how was the water in liquid form?
What happened to the Eil Malk Jellyfish?
We know that species of animals everywhere are constantly dying out,
mostly due to human intervention. In the year 1998 all of the
jellyfish in Eil Malk Lake were found to have died out. In the year
2000 the jellyfish had all returned as if nothing was amiss. Where did
they go? How did the jellyfish come back?
Why is sexual reproduction a thing?
Lets avoid any discussion of the bible in this mystery. Ask yourself:
why is sexual reproduction a thing? Why would evolution mandate
literally half of a species, all men, be incapable of producing
offspring? What is the reason for this clearly disadvantaged gender?
The leading theory talks about reduction in potentially negative
mutations but there is still no concrete reason as of yet.
What is happening with Saturns hurricane?
Hurricanes on Earth are huge and terrifying and they are the result of
warm and cold ocean currents coming together. In 2013 a hurricane was
spotted on Saturn that showed up as 20 times larger than any hurricane
ever recorded on Earth. Where did the hurricane come from? There are
oceans on Saturn. Furthermore why doesnt the hurricane ever vanish?
Just what is going on there?
How do butterflies know where to go?
Every year the Monarch Butterfly will go on a great journey, thousands
of miles, for their migration. The journey will months upon months.
Monarch Butterflies lay eggs when they reach the end of the journey
and then they die off, having a life cycle of just six months. Soehow
the newborn butterflies know the exact route home. How do they know
where to go?
Where is all of the lithium?
Are you ready for a lesson in science? Lithium is considered the
lightest metal that we know of. Lithium itself has an atomic number of
just 3 and despite its size the material is used extensively: bombs,
metal work, batteries and even medicine. What strikes scientists as
truly bizarre is that we dont know why it is so rare. Everywhere
youd think to find lithium we end up finding just a fraction of what
should be there.
What are the Pyrophyllite Spheres?
South African miners found a collection of metal spheres within
Pyriphyllite deposits. These spheres were carbon dated to be over 2.8
billion years old, predating intelligent life by quite a large margin.
The craziest thing about these spheres is that they have markings on
them and are balanced more accurately than we can even make them
today. Creepy!
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