Post by m***@.not.
Post by Jeanne DouglasPost by m***@.notPost by Jeanne DouglasPost by Bob CasanovaOn Sat, 07 Dec 2013 15:37:19 +0000, the following appeared
Post by LesPost by felix_ungerPost by Emmett TillHOW DO ATHEISTS EXPLAIN POLTERGEIST LEVITATION?
The same way they respond to everything that doesn't fit their
beliefs... "It doesn't exist!"
Is this part of our 'atheist beliefs system' we keep hearing
vague rumour about?
The ones that are so secret even we are not not permitted
to know what they are?
I'm just curious to know the connection between disbelief in
poltergeists and atheism...
Are poltergeists supposedly deities of some sort?
If you can believe in a god without evidence,
How could anyone believe in a god without evidence, when everything that
suggests god exists is evidence? There would be nothing to believe in if there
was no evidence to encourage belief in it. The concept wouldn't even exist if
there was no evidence for the concept at all.
Okay, then. Will you finally be the person who actually provides the
1. The Bible itself is evidence, and the fact that it still exists today even
though people have attempted to eliminate it over the centuries during times
before it was easy to reproduce, is more evidence.
To say "it" still exists today is absurd. No original texts of any of
the books from the Bible exist today. What we have are copies of
copies of copies ....
Post by m***@.not2. The fact that there are millions of species of animals even though humans
know of very few if any examples of one species giving rise to a different one
is evidence, as is the fact that not only are there not lots of examples of
things like beings such as reptiles changing into birds as their should be if it
all happened just by chance, but there are NO examples. Try to explain why it
stopped happening if it just happened by accident a LOT for billions of years
but doesn't happen at all any more.
The conditions necessary for the formation of fossils are uncommon.
That some fossil evidence has been found demonstrates that the process
of evolution did take place in the past. Drug resistant bacteria, for
example, are evidence that evolution continues to this day. The
evolution of fruit flies under laboratory conditions is another example.
Once again a fool posts that evolution happened by accident.
Post by m***@.not3. All the other evidence including the fact that reproductive and immune
systems etc seem to be designed systems whether they actually are or not.
To whom do they "seem" to be designed?
Post by m***@.notAnd again no one would have ever even considered the idea if there was no
evidence at all, meaning that there MUST BE evidence and also meaning that
apparently you can't recognise a single bit of it, much less are you any sort of
respectable authority on what might be strong actual evidence and what is weak
bogus evidence. Since you deny every bit of it you couldn't get anywhere at all
with making distinctions like that.
No one would have ever considered the idea of leprechauns or the Tooth
Fairy if there was no evidence at all meaning that there MUST BE
evidence that apparently you can't recognize.
There is evidence that humans have been considering the idea of gods
throughout recorded history. A very large number of such gods have
been dreamed up and worshiped over the ages. The
Judeo-Christian-Islamic god is just one of the many.