People everywhere are happy.
People everywhere are glad to be alive.
They live in different worlds, some where it is Christmas every day
some where every day is the First Day of Spring.
Whatever makes them happy.
They sing and have wonderful music and they say the right words at the
right time, and they live in a Perfect Harmony with the other people
on their world.
If there are any women there, the women also live in the Harmony and
they must NOT interfere with it or damage it. The moment they do
something like that, you wil have breakages, accidents, crashes, or
ugliness and suffering will start, and then things will get out of
order until you have what you have on Earth today.
People do not have ugly religions with crucifixes and blood and things
like that. People believe because of all the wonderful things they
have and somehow their belief explains where those things come from.
If any people do have problems, then Angels may come and help them or
Extra Terrestrials such as The BORG, and let's face it, Earth has
serious problems.
The women are so bad and so Evil. Do you think there is anywhere else
where women kill their children before they are even BORN?
Do you think there is anywhere else were women smack and hit their
children and verbally abuse them or neglect them the way that Earth
women do?
Do you think there is anywhere else where a son would not have a
The women of Earth are REALLY Bad.
And they must be dealt with.
And because they are so bad that is why you do have such horrible
things such as maggots and insects and flies and cockroaches and fleas
and all kinds of nasty and horrible things that come from the women.
And THAT is why the Men MUST always be in charge so that you do not
have those things.
Life on Earth today, with all the misery and suffering, is what
happens when the women interfere with that.
And all the Men are suffering BECAUSE of the women.
You think Science is the answer?
You will not think so when you live in Heaven once more.
There is no possible scientific explanation for that kind of thing or
for that kind of place. The wonders and miracles that happen, simply
have no explanation of that kind.
And that is why people believe.
But they do not have ghastly horrible religions like you have on
Earth, they believe because things are so wonderful and because things
are so beautiful, and their belief is the only way they can explain
And one day you will be like that as well.
So put away your Science.
Forget big bangs and ugly words like universe.
Ignore the ugly religions and bad words and bad teachings that come
from there.
And Believe in the Future.
That things CAN be right and they CAN Be good.
And Life CAN be a wonderful thing.
It is just a matter of dealing with the women.