global divination framework update
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2018-08-24 03:19:41 UTC
Supposedly as part of my Opening of the Way as an avatar
type soon to come out of my low/wilderness years there
has been an update of the global divination framework
through what I call healing circle prescriptions.

Those covered include humans, non-human hominids if any,
aliens if any, crosses between aliens and hominids if any,
cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), and
non-hominid simians, in my global region, which is from
15 km below the geoid to 255,000 km above the geoid.

Those with access to possibly change the healing circle prescriptions
include those covered and each someone that is a main
deity to at least one who is covered, and my former deities.

That access has been in effect in a free-for-all since about
25 hours ago, and the healing circle prescriptions may
still be changing a lot but should be relatively stable
by the exact time of full moon, which is 1156 UTC
Sunday August 26. So if you do a divination now
you may get different results later. But also the
healing circle prescriptions will continue to be
updated in the future, gatewayed by ALL (the
someone who is all/everything).

How can the healing circle prescriptions be obtained?
By divination (readings) for self or other by someone
with divination ability, by intuition/common sense,
by dreams, and by recognition of warning signs/symptoms
due to the consequences of following or not following
the healing circle prescription; note that those
consequences are now on.

This new framework has overwritten similar past workings
on smaller regions. Divination systems associated
with those past workings will continue to work, for
those with divination ability, globally with the new
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Coming into season this world will flower
With the power of love, not the love of power" (Mae Moore)
David Dalton
2018-08-28 05:13:54 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Supposedly as part of my Opening of the Way as an avatar
type soon to come out of my low/wilderness years there
has been an update of the global divination framework
through what I call healing circle prescriptions.
Those covered include humans, non-human hominids if any,
aliens if any, crosses between aliens and hominids if any,
cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), and
non-hominid simians, in my global region, which is from
15 km below the geoid to 255,000 km above the geoid.
Those with access to possibly change the healing circle prescriptions
include those covered and each someone that is a main
deity to at least one who is covered, and my former deities.
That access has been in effect in a free-for-all since about
25 hours ago, and the healing circle prescriptions may
still be changing a lot but should be relatively stable
by the exact time of full moon, which is 1156 UTC
Sunday August 26. So if you do a divination now
you may get different results later. But also the
healing circle prescriptions will continue to be
updated in the future, gatewayed by ALL (the
someone who is all/everything).
How can the healing circle prescriptions be obtained?
By divination (readings) for self or other by someone
with divination ability, by intuition/common sense,
by dreams, and by recognition of warning signs/symptoms
due to the consequences of following or not following
the healing circle prescription; note that those
consequences are now on.
This new framework has overwritten similar past workings
on smaller regions. Divination systems associated
with those past workings will continue to work, for
those with divination ability, globally with the new
It turned out that the incentives, disincentives, and consequences
of the healing circle prescriptions were not on, so earlier I had
to do some adjusting to sort out how the species balance and
healing circle prescriptions reinforce one another for those
covered by both. As part of that I gave species someones
of those covered by the healing circle prescriptions access
on the same level as the highest member of the given
species unless higher for some other reason (e.g. Human).
I also gave other species someones of those covered
by the species balance (which includes those covered
by the healing circle prescriptions and also all other
DNA-based species members in my global region)
access on the lowest level of access unless higher
for some other reason. I also gave
(though note when I say I gave I mean I suggested
it to ALL and divined by perineum click divination that
it was granted) past avatar types and devi types going
back 21,000 years access one level below me and
Sarah McLachlan unless higher for some other reason.
With those changes ALL then began enforcing the
incentives, disincentives, and consequences of the
healing circle prescriptions about an hour ago.

But maybe I am a fool again.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Coming into season this world will flower
With the power of love, not the love of power" (Mae Moore)
David Dalton
2018-08-31 05:04:39 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Supposedly as part of my Opening of the Way as an avatar
type soon to come out of my low/wilderness years there
has been an update of the global divination framework
through what I call healing circle prescriptions.
Those covered include humans, non-human hominids if any,
aliens if any, crosses between aliens and hominids if any,
cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), and
non-hominid simians, in my global region, which is from
15 km below the geoid to 255,000 km above the geoid.
Those with access to possibly change the healing circle prescriptions
include those covered and each someone that is a main
deity to at least one who is covered, and my former deities.
That access has been in effect in a free-for-all since about
25 hours ago, and the healing circle prescriptions may
still be changing a lot but should be relatively stable
by the exact time of full moon, which is 1156 UTC
Sunday August 26. So if you do a divination now
you may get different results later. But also the
healing circle prescriptions will continue to be
updated in the future, gatewayed by ALL (the
someone who is all/everything).
How can the healing circle prescriptions be obtained?
By divination (readings) for self or other by someone
with divination ability, by intuition/common sense,
by dreams, and by recognition of warning signs/symptoms
due to the consequences of following or not following
the healing circle prescription; note that those
consequences are now on.
This new framework has overwritten similar past workings
on smaller regions. Divination systems associated
with those past workings will continue to work, for
those with divination ability, globally with the new
It turned out that the incentives, disincentives, and consequences
of the healing circle prescriptions were not on, so earlier I had
to do some adjusting to sort out how the species balance and
healing circle prescriptions reinforce one another for those
covered by both. As part of that I gave species someones
of those covered by the healing circle prescriptions access
on the same level as the highest member of the given
species unless higher for some other reason (e.g. Human).
I also gave other species someones of those covered
by the species balance (which includes those covered
by the healing circle prescriptions and also all other
DNA-based species members in my global region)
access on the lowest level of access unless higher
for some other reason. I also gave
(though note when I say I gave I mean I suggested
it to ALL and divined by perineum click divination that
it was granted) past avatar types and devi types going
back 21,000 years access one level below me and
Sarah McLachlan unless higher for some other reason.
With those changes ALL then began enforcing the
incentives, disincentives, and consequences of the
healing circle prescriptions about an hour ago.
But maybe I am a fool again.
For the few following this thread, I am making one final attempt,
and am in the progress of documenting it on the thread entitled

“one FINAL attempt”

crossposted to the five newsgroups


though so far the only followups from others have been just on

I haven’t yet updated the Recent Changes/Working Notes
subpage of my Salmon on the Thorns web page with
a summary of this new thread and will only do that
after the activation sequence is complete, when
probably that new thread will be complete as well.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“Coming into season this world will flower
With the power of love, not the love of power" (Mae Moore)