Post by George PlimptonPost by d***@.Post by George PlimptonPost by d***@.Post by George PlimptonPost by d***@.Post by George PlimptonPost by d***@.Post by George PlimptonPost by d***@.LOL!!! Who decides how to refer to religious beliefs Goo? That's who decided
to call people who have faith in the religious belief that God does not exist,
strong atheists.
Fuckwit: who
Look it up if you care Goo. Whoever it was is who created the significance
of the atheist's faith. No faith = no strong atheist. It's impossible to be a
strong atheist with no faith.
Fuckwit: *you* tell us who fed you the bullshit.
No, that doesn't claim that atheists have "faith" there is no "god",
Fuckwit. It doesn't say it and it doesn't imply it.
"Positive atheism is a term popularly used to describe the form of atheism that
maintains that "There is no god" is a true statement."
Nothing about "faith"
The amount of faith they have that their guess is correct is what determines
how strong an atheist they are or are not.
Post by George Plimptonin that, Fuckwit - neither stated nor implied.
Fuckwit, who fed you this bullshit about atheists having "faith" that god doesn't exist?
The amount of faith a supposedly strong atheist has that god doesn't exist
is what determines how strong an atheist he actually is or is not, Goo. It's an
obvious fact Goober, meaning it's easy to recognise and appreciate and it's not
a secret. Plenty of people have pointed out atheistic faith Goob.
Post by George PlimptonPost by d***@.Post by George PlimptonWho fed you the bullshit, Fuckwit? Why are you passing it off as your
own original thought when it isn't?
LOL!!! I told you it's only new to you Goober. To some people the faith of
strong atheists has been old news for years. What makes you think I know who
first began pointing out something centuries ago Goo? Do you really want people
to think you're stupid enough to believe I would just happen to know who first
drew attention to the fact, Goo?
Fuckwit, who fed you this bullshit about atheists having "faith" that god doesn't exist?
. . .
Who fed you the bullshit about atheists having "faith" that "god"
doesn't exist, Fuckwit?
You are WAY behind Goober. The Google search I gave you should have taught
you, but I'll teach you now part of what a search would have taught you, which
is that plenty of people are aware of atheistic faith:
atheistic faithAdvanced search
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Many theists argue that atheism must be as much of a faith as theism because
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"I already know ten people to whom I will give this book. It's truly a Godsend."
David Limbaugh, author, Absolute Power and Persecution, from the Foreword "I
Response to: "Atheists have faith, just like theists." - YouTube
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Feb 22, 2008 - 11 min - Uploaded by PiroNiro
Matt Dillahunty responds to the claim that people need as much faith to NOT
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7 hours ago Reasonable Thoughts on Religion, Science, Skepticism, and Atheism.
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Faith of an Atheist Reverend Darcey Laine March 10, 2002. Palo Alto, CA.
Meditation. "The Human Task". We have ceased to invoke the gods, who were human
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Sep 15, 2011 They explain atheism has not led to life of sadness.
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Oct 23, 2007 "Being an atheist takes as much faith as being a theist", or the
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Jul 16, 2008 This is another piece of flawed reasoning the religious have been
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Jan 10, 2008 Next to the claim that atheists are evil because some god is
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