Post by Bob CasanovaOn Thu, 26 Jun 2014 13:38:54 -0400, the following appeared
Post by JamesPost by Bob CasanovaOn Wed, 25 Jun 2014 10:05:32 -0400, the following appeared
Post by JamesPost by m***@.not.For how long have atheists been begging for and demanding "evidence" of
God's existence? For quite a while, we know that. Yet when challenged to try to
explain WHAT sort of evidence they think "should be" where, they can't even
address the challenge. When challenged to explain WHERE the supposed evidence
"should be" they again are helpless. When challenged to explain WHY it "should
be" to God's benefit to provide us with it AGAIN they have no clue at all what
they think they think, or even what they want other people to think they think
they think. It is certainly a sad sad thing that within this entire group of
atheists none of their small minds can answer these questions, nor can they as a
group figure out what they think they're trying to talk about. Why is it sad?
Because it would be interesting to learn what they thought they were trying to
talk about IF they had any idea themselves. We've seen that they don't.
They are stubborn rascals. When a true scientist looks at evidence, he
will accept any logical evidence seen, whether or not it agrees with
his personal beliefs.
Wrong. A scientist will evaluate any objective evidence,
*especially* evidence which will help to refute current
theory; that's how scientists become famous. Note the word
"objective", which eliminates personal testimony and
untestable claims in religious texts.
Yes, some scientists think more of their reputation than being
truthful about their evidence. That is unfortunate.
Missed the part about "objective evidence", huh? No problem;
most believers do.
They don't go that way when they have a reputation to maintain.
Post by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesNot all claims of religious text are untestable. For instance,
archeology has many times supported the Bible's 'claims'.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. That aside, any
book of myths contains some truths. Several of the stories
about actual places have been confirmed (or were already
known); it's the claims which involve actions by deities
which haven't been.
Most of what you say are the miracles. I can't prove them, and you
can't disprove them. They are sitting in the history books.
Post by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesPost by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesBut atheists are apparently a different breed.
Nope, they have the exact same requirements - objective
Post by JamesThey will only accept evidence that doesn't interfere with their
personal beliefs.
My IronyMeter has started to smoke...
Tell the group again why the overwhelming scientific
evidence regarding such issues as evolution is rejected by
many believers?
Because the fossil record is more in line with the Bible, than that
pathetic theory of macroevolution.
That's ridiculous. The fossil record, among other things,
shows that the Earth is over 4 billion years old, and that
plant and animal populations have only existed for
approximately half a billion years, *and* that they have
changed multiple times over that period, with no species
lasting more than a few million years. And in contradiction
to the Bible, the existence of the sun preceded that of the
Earth by many millions of years, as did the stars ("And He
made the stars also").
Nonsense. Genesis 1 :1 shows when the sun was made. Ge 1:1,
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (NIV)
Thus in verse 1 the sun is shining brightly in the heavens. Since the
order here is "heavens" and then the earth, the earth was created
after the heavens. If you have any more questions about the early
chapters of Genesis, just ask.
Post by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesPost by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesThus they think they are 'stacking the deck' in
their favor. They think it is a 'win, win' situation. But they are
actually the losers, blocking out real truths. There was once a State
that acted that way to; it was Nazi Germany.
...which had the motto "Gott Mitt Uns". Care to guess what
that means?
god with us. (
I purposely used the small "g" here because that then makes it a true
statement. Their god was Satan. 2 Co 4:4a,
Wrong again; they were Christians, as their founder makes
quite clear in "Mein Kampf".
Not exactly, because they did not obey Jesus' commands. They were
professed Christians. Anyone can claim anything, but that doesn't make
it so.
Post by Bob CasanovaPost by James"in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the
Post by Bob CasanovaAnd we're *still* waiting for all the objective evidence
which is claimed to exist.
It has been told to you many times. But all right, lets have a look at
it again.
God has left His footprints everywhere. Look at all these machines all
over the place. If you found an android in the woods, you would not
assume that mindless chance made it, would you. You just KNOW that
someone (or some many) created it. Now look at the human body and
compare it to the android. We are made much better stuff than the
android. If it REQUIRES a creator, how much more so would a human.
Also, who or what programmed all this DNA? If you can't see
intelligence behind the DNA, then you are probably forcing your
beliefs to override that logical conclusion.
This bears repeating: Whether or not we know how something
came to exist, it is *always* wrong to make assumptions
without evidence. And there is zero actual evidence
regarding any sort of "special creation"; in fact, unless
the Creator was an incompetent idiot, the evidence points
the other way.
I know, unbelievers blind their eyes so as not to see the truth. The
moons of Mars exist. Unless you have direct evidence (Not just a bunch
of theories) then they shouldn't be assumed to exist?
Post by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesOr take the common house fly. The aerodynamic maneuvers it makes is
hard to believe. What are the aerodynamic laws like when you get down
to the size of a fly? Who programmed such tricky maneuvers into that
tiny fly brain? Macroevolution has no mind, so it couldn't have done
such sophisticated programming.
Nice assertion, especially from someone who apparently
hasn't the faintest idea how natural selection works. Here's
a hint, though: A process which *automatically* allows
"improved models" to enjoy greater reproductive success will
lead, almost every time, to the domination of those
"improved models" in the population;
How does a NO MIND energy know that reproduction has been inproved or
not? It shouldn't care because it has absolutely no idea what is going
on with reproduction or any other bodily system. Your logic assumes a
mind of some kind is directing the organism to improve in its
enviroment, and thus strives in that diredtion instead of the reverse.
And that is why all things seem to be working from low to high. Please
explain that macroevolution trait to me.
Post by Bob Casanovano "sophisticated
programming" is either involved or required. And when the
process continues over millions or billions of generations
there's nothing within the constraints of physical law it
can't generate, assuming that the genetic structure of the
species can get to it.
No mind producing complex sophisticated machines like the human body
with all of its intertwining system and a super brain that can try to
inderstand it all. The Bible call where the brain resides the GOLDEN
Tell me, if macroevolution is the way of things, why give humans a
spiritual nature? None of the animals have it, and they seem to get
along just fine. And what about our artistic nature? None of those
have anything to do with survival of the fittest. Why?
Post by Bob CasanovaPost by JamesYes, there are millions of different kinds of machines all over this
planet. To believe that they all came from mindless energies, well, I
have a statue of a lady in the New York harbor that I can let go for a
good price:)
Good luck with that. I advise you to offer it first to the
nearest believer, since they are already programmed to
accept assertions without evidence.
You mean like evolutionists who have NEVER witnesses one life form
turn into a different life form. (dinosaur to eventual bird thing)
That is all based on fossil bones being rearranged to make it appear
it was transitioning into something else.
Or what about evolutionists not being able in the lab to turn one life
form into a completely different life form. If life came from one
source, why a PLANT kingdom and an ANIMAL kingdom. Two separate
As you see you have very little first hand experiences on that spotty
Post by Bob CasanovaAnd BTW, no machine can reproduce itself, or take advantage
thereby of random variation using the process of selection
and differential reproductive success. That's reserved for
living organisms.
You ought to hear yourself. All these things happening with no mind
involved. You have got to be more intellegent than that.
To briefly discuss it, the Bible says God created the different life
forms ALL AT ONCE AND COMPLETE. Darwin did not find that.
As Darwin said:
“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of
such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such
finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious
and serious objection which can be urged against the theory.
...The abrupt manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear
in certain formations has been urged by several paleontologists . . .
as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species.
...There is another and allied difficulty, which is much more serious.
I allude to the manner in which species belonging to several of the
main divisions of the animal kingdom suddenly appear in the lowest
known fossiliferous rocks. . . . The case at present must remain
inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the
[evolutionary] views here entertained.” (The Origin of Species, by
Charles Darwin)
Since God created each life form full and complete on the spot, there
would not be the millions of transitional life forms needed to satisfy
that theory, there would be none. Darwin also had problems with that
“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of
such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such
finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious
and serious objection which can be urged against the theory." (The
Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin)