George Hammond
2016-08-08 14:48:22 UTC
copyright George Hammond 2016
The question is whether or not Life After Death is a
doctrinal metaphor or an actual physical reality. I think
most people today believe it is a metaphor. However,
historically there is a prominent counterfactual which
argues for it being real. That is the universally known
phenomenon of nocturnal dreams. This tells us that
unconscious sleep is capable of spontaneously generating a
hallucinatory visual reality. This was enough for the
ancient Egyptians 5,000 years ago to conjecture that there
might be a similar phenomenon connected with death. This
rose to explicit documented heights in the New Testament
where St. Paul in I Corinthians Ch. 15 vs. 51 explicitly
lays out the theory of a literal life after death which
occurs at the last second "in the twinkling of an eye", and
changes us into a glorified spiritual body in an Afterlife
hallucinatory Paradise.
Dreams then are the all-important counterfactual argument
for belief that Life After Death is a real physical
phenomenon and not merely a doctrinal metaphor. Of course
this theory which reigned supreme for thousands of years up
until the age of modern science (Newton et al.) when it was
discovered that mental activity is caused by electrical
action in the brain, and hence it was unlikely that dead
brains could dream. So belief in a literal Life After Death
declined precipitously. However, 30 years ago modern science
detected the existence of the Microtubule system inside the
neurons. It is now believed by the experts that this is an
optically connected solid-state computer system containing
all of our memory and operating at teracycle frequencies.
Note see my webpage at:
for details of the microtubule resurrection theory.
This system is so fast (speed of light, teracycle
frequency) that it could actually produce a month long all
5-senses Afterlife dream faster than a lightning bolt could
kill you. So much for the dead brains cant dream argument!
It's a simple classical (relativistic) loss of simultaneity
mechanism. It's actually life before death, that only
subjectively appears to extend beyond death. Only to
bedside observers does death appear to be instantaneous! In
the same instant the dearly departed could be spending
months or years exercising his newly obtained "glorified
body" in Heaven! Its a classical time dilation caused by
enormous Microtubule speed.
So then, what is the modern scientific probability of
Life After Death? Well, before the discovery of the
Microtubule system, the historical probability I think was
probably something like 1 chance in 10, but now the modern
scientific probability appears to depend mainly on the
viability of the Microtubule Resurrection mechanism. And
long story short, I think now the probability of a literal
Life After Death is probably about 1 chance in 3. or 33%.
And if the viability of the microtubule quantum computer
system continues to increase at the present rate of
research, the probability may become even greater than that.
If it will pass the 50% mark in the near future , I cant
George Hammond, Cape Cod MA August 2016
copyright George Hammond 2016
The question is whether or not Life After Death is a
doctrinal metaphor or an actual physical reality. I think
most people today believe it is a metaphor. However,
historically there is a prominent counterfactual which
argues for it being real. That is the universally known
phenomenon of nocturnal dreams. This tells us that
unconscious sleep is capable of spontaneously generating a
hallucinatory visual reality. This was enough for the
ancient Egyptians 5,000 years ago to conjecture that there
might be a similar phenomenon connected with death. This
rose to explicit documented heights in the New Testament
where St. Paul in I Corinthians Ch. 15 vs. 51 explicitly
lays out the theory of a literal life after death which
occurs at the last second "in the twinkling of an eye", and
changes us into a glorified spiritual body in an Afterlife
hallucinatory Paradise.
Dreams then are the all-important counterfactual argument
for belief that Life After Death is a real physical
phenomenon and not merely a doctrinal metaphor. Of course
this theory which reigned supreme for thousands of years up
until the age of modern science (Newton et al.) when it was
discovered that mental activity is caused by electrical
action in the brain, and hence it was unlikely that dead
brains could dream. So belief in a literal Life After Death
declined precipitously. However, 30 years ago modern science
detected the existence of the Microtubule system inside the
neurons. It is now believed by the experts that this is an
optically connected solid-state computer system containing
all of our memory and operating at teracycle frequencies.
Note see my webpage at:
for details of the microtubule resurrection theory.
This system is so fast (speed of light, teracycle
frequency) that it could actually produce a month long all
5-senses Afterlife dream faster than a lightning bolt could
kill you. So much for the dead brains cant dream argument!
It's a simple classical (relativistic) loss of simultaneity
mechanism. It's actually life before death, that only
subjectively appears to extend beyond death. Only to
bedside observers does death appear to be instantaneous! In
the same instant the dearly departed could be spending
months or years exercising his newly obtained "glorified
body" in Heaven! Its a classical time dilation caused by
enormous Microtubule speed.
So then, what is the modern scientific probability of
Life After Death? Well, before the discovery of the
Microtubule system, the historical probability I think was
probably something like 1 chance in 10, but now the modern
scientific probability appears to depend mainly on the
viability of the Microtubule Resurrection mechanism. And
long story short, I think now the probability of a literal
Life After Death is probably about 1 chance in 3. or 33%.
And if the viability of the microtubule quantum computer
system continues to increase at the present rate of
research, the probability may become even greater than that.
If it will pass the 50% mark in the near future , I cant
George Hammond, Cape Cod MA August 2016