"{:-])))" <***@.... --- -- .> wrote in news:***@4ax.com:
Griff. Followups set.
Snipping will occur.
snip 1
Post by {:-])))Nature is a word.
She could be said to exist.
She is also very handy. Without her, none of us would be here.
Post by {:-])))One might pretend Earth is a thing.
A ball of rock. If one so chooses.
Or a cotton cany cone.
Post by {:-])))For those who have no eyes to see,
no matter how many pictures are presented,
there will never be any impression made.
As opposed to those that pretend to see?
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))Post by Wisely Non-TheistAnd it is only when that impossibility (of all theists agreeing) has
actually happened that there is any point in trying to convince any
atheists of that of which theists cannot even convince other
Atheists who have no interest
will continue to have no interest.
So why can't you shut the fuck about it when you know you can't put up
Atheists who have no interest
would not be reading a thread about God.
They may well do so in the atheist newsgroup. If for no other reasdon
than to see what the current crop of trolls has to pimp.
Post by {:-])))Those who claim to have no interest
yet who appear to be offended
might be in denial in ways.
Ah, I undserstand? So, you are here to do your song & dance & impress
others. or you live in an ivory tower where stepping n the shit others
leave behind is not your problem.
RTeally, you & yhose that like to pretend a superiority ikn matters
mystical would do well tyo go down to the nearest street corner where the
hookers hang pout. They too need need to realise that others are worse
off than they, & that some of those others believe that they are better
off than anyone else.
Post by {:-])))Dale cross-posted a message
into a Taoist newsgroup. Why, I don't know.
Because he is an inconsiderate nuck that believes he has the right to a
captive audience?
Post by {:-])))I am able to bring up a rock,
call it Behistun, for example, to begin
to set out a proof for those who have an interest.
But can you call Ba'al & have him do a dog & pony show for you?
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))Those atheists who might be interested,
without having any experience of an elephant,
even when in their living room, will remain unconvinced.
Why can't theists stop lying about atheists, to atheists?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You are acting like a typical alt.atheism loser known as a troll. Did
not the Master tell you to be decent to others? Given the newsgroup
headers, no one here needs or is looking for a pet god.
Post by {:-])))Atheists who have no interest in God or god or gods
would not be reading articles about God or god or gods.
They would if they have an interest in mythology. Or they are just fed
up with the prancing & dancing of the pimps for [insert proper name here]
known as god.
Post by {:-])))It would be akin to someone who is asexual
reading articles in a Playboy magazine
for the information only. And then
being offended at how rude
the nude pictures are.
Different situation. the newsgrpoup was founded for atheists to discuss
matters of interest to them. From the best car to get your 16 year old
to how to act at a church wedding. Why, there is even a faq for the
darned place.
OTOH, if IOm did not filter out the pi,mps fpr gpd, aka members of the
blater brigade, instead of maybe 150 messages a day, I would see over
1000 on average. Weekends slightly less.
So some of have no problem with ramming it back up their ass, or asses as
the case may be.
Post by {:-])))Or someone who is apolitical reading
what goes on in a House of Parliament
and getting upset at the stupidity.
Nothing wrong with being upset about stupidity. Sometimes it can be
corrected. Mostly not.
Post by {:-])))A bit of a contradiction.
Only to intermitent individuals who are simply stopping long enough to
leave a dump on the carpet. I've been here since the mid 90's, & would
prefer to read & on occasion, comment on articles that interest me. When
90%+ is simply a bleater that is to arrogant to beleive they can't feed
us their bullshit & make us like it is the norm, it's beyond old.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))Some people are of the mind
that men never landed on the Moon.
And while proof might well exist, those
who disbelieve will continue to disbelieve.
First, one would need to believe
there is a thing in the sky, called the Moon.
Now you are using a theist routine. Believe as ion have faith without
evidence, or believe as in have faith based on evidence. & there is
evidence even when grandmother is asleep. The Great Lakes have tides for
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))Even if they were to set foot on the Moon themselves,
they would try to figure out how and why it was not so.
Why can't you stop lying about atheists, to atheists, typically hasty,
narcissistic, sociopathic Christian?
For those atheists who are interested in God,
they might begin by reading about God.
Therein is part of the problem. There are no oiginal manuscripts for the
copycat god of Judeah, & his impossible son. Bastards were not part of
his congregatioon, & he didn't chase human females. He had a shack job,
the same one él & ba'al had when they were in power. if you have read
the Hebrew Bible, you know when she was no longer a problem for the
priesthood. Hint, it was after the Babylonian vacation.
Post by {:-])))There are books, e.g. the Bible,
which have lots and lots
of stories in them.
All by unkown authors.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeYou know perfectly well there isn't a shred of evidence for what
remains your pretend friend, because if there were you wouldn't need
to resort to lying about us to our faces.
There is lots of evidence
for those who are willing to see it.
Never been that drunk myself.
Post by {:-])))There is a place, it's called Rome.
It goes way back, a couple thousand years.
That is only one place, & not the birthplace of the xioan mythology.
lewt alone "God" who is the Judaic version.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeAnd that we wouldn't demand proof/evidence/etc if believers kept it
inside their religion instead of rudely and stupidly talking as if it
were real, in the real world beyond your religion.
One might, if one were interested,
go to France, and find the relics of Mary,
and perhaps Martha, and Lazarus,
the guy who was raised from being dead.
Relics, or claimed relics. Seems there is no reason to suppose that
could, let alone would happen. & yes, I know of the claims for Jesus the
Christ being married with children. Which would have to be the case if
he was a rabbi in first century Palestine.
Post by {:-])))There are plenty of areas to research
if one cares to do such a thing.
Research, or chase shadows?
Post by {:-])))Evidence exists,
for those willing to open their eyes
and are able to see the metaphorical elephant.
Imagination is not a synonym for evidence.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))A blind man does not know green and blue.
One who cannot hear various tones, cannot hear.
But they can learn of them. & some blind people can detect color, I
guerss by radiation from reflection. Meet opne. Shades would get him,
but primary colors in sunlight he couold nail every time. He told me he
learned as a bar bet. Dunno, but do it he could. He never made any
money at it. Viet Nam in 65 was a hard show to make money in.
Post by {:-])))So it remains an exercise in futility.
Yet, the majority of the worlds population has the time & money to waste
trying to kiss some gods ass. Even some of the Buddhists chase the gods.
Post by {:-])))Why Dale chose to take such a path
is beyond my knowledge at present.
You have heard of an exercise in futility, right?
Post by {:-])))Maybe he likes exercise. Or is simply a troll.
Or is afraid of wee things & ghoulies tha' go bump in the night. Either
way, it's his problem & he is insisting on forcing it on others.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeProvide as much evidence for your pretend friend as there is for
colours and sound, instead of being so personally nasty towards those
who don't share your beliefs.
I don't know why you are taking offense
and see what I say as personally nasty.
looks like he may have been talking to Dale. Or ar you anm alter ego of
Post by {:-])))Everyone has his or her own beliefs.
& most atheists keep them to themselves.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeIn the real world, your particular god-BELIEF is not substantively
different from Zeus-BELIEF, Odin-BELIEF, Krishna-BELIEF and all the
thousands of others.
For those not having experienced the Self,
Krishna might remain a mere myth.
Never diod drugs, so thjat is not a likely hood. Besidfes, I am familiar
with the backgeround for the blue smurf. You do know why he is blue,
right? You do know what part of India he is from, right? Riiigggght.
Post by {:-])))As for whom Odin and Zeus may have been,
prior to being deified, stories also may be found.
<SEAG>Cites, as in academic cites you have? Share?</SEAG>
Post by {:-])))Plenty of information is now online
for those who care to seek it out.
& not all of it is much better than opinion pieces.
Post by {:-])))Paths are made by walking them.
Or getting scared enough to blaze new trails that work out to your
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeAnd you don't persuade us that yours is any more real than the rest of
them by lying about us, to us.
Persuading others is beyond my ability.
Most people I've met have their minds made up.
The majority, & I agree. All, no way in thje so called hell of the
revealed gods of teh desert. Which is a question I'veasked believers.
If hunmanity found all of their other gods, why were those gods so weak
they had to find followers.
Add to that, the Judaic claim is for the god that was most popular in
Canaanmite society. A god so well known that he needed no temple. &
unlike the Judaic one, was a nice guy.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))Without a sense of touch, an elephant's ear
would not feel like anything.
So one would be out of touch.
Seems theists may well be. Especially when they think our nice brand new
virtual white carpet is for thejm to dump on.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeAll you have, is the dishonest analogy with something that isn't
disputed and for which there is objective evidence, which only begs
the same question that was originally asked.
I must have missed the original question.
Got evidence is the norm. Not evidence of belief, but evidence for
whichever god concept is being pimped at the moment.
Post by {:-])))My impression was that Dale had what he thought
was ONE proof of God. Which One? Apparently
is a question in there as well.
unavoidable. As spelled, the revealed gods of the desert are being
But it gets worse. According to their literature, they never could hacve
existed as claimed.
Maybe Dale thinks he is a ma'lk?
Post by {:-])))If some one made a promise to someone else,
and that promise was written down, then kept,
that might suffice as evidence the promise existed
and was kept.
Unless you're a lawyer.:::))))
Post by {:-])))Or, it may not.
One may dispute, for example, the existence
of the one who was said to have made
the promise in the first place.
It can be made a matter of record, & there will always be someone who
says unh unh. But when the preponderece of evidence that should be there
is missing, say the exodus, you can mark that claim as bogus.
Post by {:-])))Lots of disputes can be made
for those who like to dispute stuff.
& for those that like to waste their time arguing with them. And?
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeWhen all we want you to do is live and let live, and to shut up when
you can't put up.
Mostly I simply read and write.
Even then you can put up. Make a quote & ignore the source is a brand of
dishonesty that is very common amog "visitor" to the atheist news group.
Post by {:-])))Please feel free to live as you choose.
I suspect he will.
Post by {:-])))If you think I am stopping you
then perhaps you should seek help.
Stopping, why no. Irritatting by displaying inconsideration for others?
Now he may have a point there.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeePost by {:-])))Even if it was flapping in front of one's face,
one who was deaf, blind and untouched,
might not be able to be other than
how that one happens to be.
So, there are those
who will not believe no matter what.
Yup, & quite a lot of them think everyone else should believe as they do.
Hence the troll population on the atheist news group.
Post by {:-])))Post by Christopher A. LeeNow either provide evidence for your hypothetical god or keep your
bullshit to yourself.
If you are in alt.atheism and so say,
then I can trim that group out
next time a round. If that will help
you to live as you would like.
Oh he will live as he likes with or without your help. But unless you
have something to offer the group or are holding a one on one, then one
wonders just why you are here.
Post by {:-])))I can, and would, do that for you.
You can do it for yourself. The result would be the same.
Post by {:-])))Magnanimity is among my virtues.
So, you wear a size 198Cm. hat?
Post by {:-])))- future cheers!
& rtots of ruck & happy daze for you.
walksalone who has a passing interest in the world of humanitys gods.
Damn shame it appears to be unpopulated. in spite of humanity that world
has some good gods claimed for it. Baldur anyone?
APOSTATE, n. A leech who, having penetrated the shell of a
turtle only to find that the creature has long been dead,
deems it expedient to form a new attachment to a fresh turtle.
Devil's dictionary