Post by JamesPost by Free LunchPost by JamesPost by raven1Explain the chain of reasoning that leads to your conclusion.
All right. When you are out in the deep woods, and you run across a
furnished house out there, do you automatically assume that random
chance over time created it? You should, if you believe things like
the human brain a result of random events over time.
Or, look in a full length mirror. If you were a robot made of wires
and computer chips, you wouldn't hesitate to say someone created you.
But you consist of much better stuff and are more sophisticated than
any robot. If the robot demands an intelligent creator, what about the
more complex human body?
Your argument is silly. We already can see from the evidence that life
on earth is evolved from a common ancestral population. Invoking a
creator is a meaningless and unnecessary activity.
Then you chuck reasoning and logic?
No, I ignore your invalid analogy because your analogy is inconsistent
with the actual physical evidence.
On the contrary, it is based ON THE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of the fossil
record. Darwin also had problems with the fossil record.
“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of
such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such
finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious
and serious objection which can be urged against the theory." (The
Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin)
...The abrupt manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear
in certain formations has been urged by several paleontologists . . .
as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species.
...There is another and allied difficulty, which is much more serious.
I allude to the manner in which species belonging to several of the
main divisions of the animal kingdom suddenly appear in the lowest
known fossiliferous rocks. . . . The case at present must remain
inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the
[evolutionary] views here entertained.” (The Origin of Species, by
Charles Darwin)
Yes, macroevolution is a farce, a sham, bogus. And even Collage grats
have fell for it, let alone their professors. Someday they will wonder
how in the world they succumbed to such an erroneous teaching. USE
THAT BRAIN GOD GAVE YOU. What are the odds in Vegas that some gambling
game would randomly spell out the DNA of a person? Not in this
universe would such a thing ever happen. The odds would be so high as
to be considered impossible.
Post by JamesWhat came first, veins and arteries or blood?
Then how did it branch into veins and arteries and blood? You can't
have one without the other at the same time.
An internal digestive track that did not have specialized organs as a
part of it.
Then how did it branch into stomach and intestines in many life forms?
You can't have one without the other at the same time.
And where does the heart fit into all of this. The pump that pumps the
blood through the veins and arteries. How did a pump develop in order
to pump the blood? And of course the circulatory system is quite
complex. Doctors learn about it for many years, and still they don't
know everything about it.
Post by JamesWho programmed all of those DNA codes out there?
No one.
Post by JamesRandom chance over time?
In a manner of speaking. Variation and natural selection is far more
sophisticated than you seem to understand, but it clearly happens.
Yes, as clearly as mud. Have you (or anyone) ever seen macroevolution
occur? Has it ever been duplicated in the lab? The theory falls dead
if you try to get the real evidence. It is based on a bunch of
innuendoes allegedly tying in some fossil to within a group of fossils
and calling it descent with modification. Yet ALL the transitional
fossils needed to turn "a" into "b" are missing.
And if they find some bone structures that have similarities, then one
had to come from the other. (dinosaurs to birds ridiculous thing)
Of course by failing to even consider that a great intelligence
programmed all that DNA out there, and since it came from dthe same
person, there might be many similarities, never enters their mind.
Then of course, although it is not technically part of macroevolution,
abiogenesis had to have occurred to get everything started. So lets
see how much science they have put into that; life from nonlife. No
human has ever witnessed it happen. No lab has ever performed it.
None, zilch, zero. Yet they admit that it had to have happened, but
are puzzled on how it occurred. Well, the answer has been in the Bible
all along.
Post by JamesPlease. Natural randomness is not that sophisticated.
You need to learn what natural selection does.
Natural selection is only small changes occurring in a life form, such
as Darwin's finches. We have no problem with that. Such things are
built into the genetics of the life form to react to its environment,
always the same life form, even when mutations happen. They may end
up with 2 heads or something, but they are still recognizable as the
original life form. And you have no proof of either a person
witnessing it, or a lab duplicating it. Thus you have a theory only.
By throwing a few fossils together, they think it proves
macroevolution. Just believing something is not good science.
Post by JamesReasoning people just can't accept mindless forces producing all these things.
You have started with the assumption that evolution does not happen
then argue that your badly made arguments qualify as justification for
rejecting evolution. You are not reasoning, you are going around in
Not at all. See the info above concerning the science involved.
Post by JamesIf evolution is a fertile as here on earth, there should be all kinds
of life forms existing on other celestial bodies out there. So far,
they have not found zilch. How do you explain that. And we even have
extremophiles here on earth. Some places on Mars is more habitable
than the environment extremophiles have here on earth. Yet, so far
zilch anywhere else.
Another argument that shows your lack of knowledge about life on
That's all? Just deny it? Anyone can do that, but it doesn't satisfy
reasoning people.
Post by JamesAs the old TV commercial said, "Sorry Charley", your logic is
illogical as well as contradicts the fossil record.
You spew nonsense to defend your false religious doctrines.
Prove its nonsense.
No intelligent design? Then explain this if you can.
One of those alleged random chance designs from evolution out there,
is a type of ophrys orchid (family Orchidaceae) that has pictures of
female wasps on its petals. The picture even shows eyes, antennae and
wings. But that's not all. It produces an odor of a female wasp ready
to mate. This draws the male wasp, which in turn pollinates the
flowers, etc.
So tell me please if you can, if the plant came first, how did it know
that female wasps were going to be evolved later on, so as to draw
pictures of them on its petals? And how could it know what the female
mating odor would be like so as to duplicate its chemistry?
If you can't, then there is another explanation that is more logical
than the illogical mindless random chance producing all these
sophisticated things. Just read Genesis 1:1.
Post by JamesPost by Free LunchPost by JamesPost by raven1Post by Jamesis like 'straining out the gnat but gulping
down the camel.' There are thousands and thousands of completely
DIFFERENT life forms, from viruses to whales. To say they ALL evolved
from a common ancestor is ludicrous, ridiculous, absurd,
preposterous, asinine, nonsensical, unscientific based on the fossil
record, farcical, risible, insidious, deceitful, etc
Your argument from personal incredulity does not negate the
overwhelming DNA evidence that all life now on Earth did, in fact,
evolve from a common ancestor. That would be true whether a god exists
or not.
Nonsense. The fossil record DOES NOT support that assertion.
Even if your claim were true, it would not matter because the fossil
record is completely consistent with a common ancestral population for
all life on earth. What you forget is that the fossil record is only a
trivial, but fascinating part of the evidence. All of the evidence is
consistent with the common ancestor hypothesis and there is no other
scientific hypothesis that works as well.
Except the true one, all those different "kinds" of life forms were
created full and intact. Dogs were dogs and platypuses were platypuses
We have clear evidence that you are wrong.
What 'clear' evidence?
Post by JamesEven their god Darwin had problems with life forms showing up in the
fossil record quickly and fully formed, with most of the transitional
So you allege, but you have to deal with the evidence that shows that
you are making a false claim.
What is allegedly false about it?
Post by James“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of
such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such
finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious
and serious objection which can be urged against the theory.
...The abrupt manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear
in certain formations has been urged by several paleontologists . . .
as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species.
...There is another and allied difficulty, which is much more serious.
I allude to the manner in which species belonging to several of the
main divisions of the animal kingdom suddenly appear in the lowest
known fossiliferous rocks. . . . The case at present must remain
inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the
[evolutionary] views here entertained.” (The Origin of Species, by
Charles Darwin)
Yet he still supported his own weak theory. (probably pride)
Post by Free LunchPost by JamesPost by raven1Post by JamesTo say that a life form sprang from non life material, is ludicrous,
ridiculous, absurd...You get the point.
Yes, I get the point that you don't understand that your personal
incredulity, based on an ignorance of science, is not an argument
against anything.
Your opinion is noted; your evidence is lacking.
Life forms did not spring from non-life material. The first life would
not have had any identifiable form other than a form provided
Just because there isn't enough evidence about earth prior to the
existence of life for scientists to know how life began, that does not
make your claims valid. Creationism of all sorts had lost the battle
before Darwin began to describe how evolution worked. The only reason
that it hadn't been thrown out completely before Darwin is that
scientists had not discovered enough to identify what actually had
happened, even though creationism was clearly not it.
Creationism says the earth and universe is only around 6000 years old.
That of course is ludicrous, since science shows us otherwise. But the
creation account in the Bible, fits the fossil record quite well. Each
"kind" of life form was created intact and fully functional. And they
show up in the fossil record quite suddenly and fully formed. The
strata would have to contain billions of transitional life forms to
account for all the life forms that ever lived. The ground should be
exploding with fossils of the transitional types. It is not. It never
has, and never will. Because that it not how life forms came to be.
Post by JamesWell let's see again here. The creation account (which is NOT
creationism) fits right in with the fossil record. Life forms showing
up quickly and fully formed, with no transitional life forms to
account for all the thousands and thousands of life forms.
Evolution. Life forms developed slowly over long periods of time, with
many transitional fossils in between. But the fossil record doesn't
Creation account= in harmony with the fossil record.
Evolutionary account= not in harmony with the fossil record.
Correction. Macroevolutionary account= not in harmony with the fossil
Post by JamesYou must have more faith than I have to believe in something so
contrary to the evidence.
Post by Free LunchYou preach religious falsehoods and allege that it has something to do
with science,
What falsehoods?
Post by JamesPost by Free Lunchbut it is clear to everyone here that you refuse to deal
with science and are quite happy telling lies about what has been
Rather, it should be obvious to others that I like to stick to the
evidence of science, rather than just believe a theory with little or
no scientific evidence.