Trump's special ability
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2024-06-02 06:12:55 UTC
Using my special abilities determination ability, I have
divined that Donald Trump has dream interpretation
ability (for his own dreams and the dreams of others).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
Richard Carl Silk
2024-06-03 01:25:06 UTC
Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having an opinion."

Meanwhile, what *anyone* (or group, or even God Himself!) may think, say or do,
happens to be [thy *neighbor's* business] per the 10th Commandment, as recorded
in Exodus 20:17.
Post by David Dalton
Using my special abilities determination ability, I have
divined that Donald Trump has dream interpretation
ability (for his own dreams and the dreams of others).
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
Still Bud
2024-06-03 03:07:17 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jun 2024 20:25:06 -0500, "Richard Carl Silk"
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people
Dave Dalton is NOT a 'normal' person. He IS seriously mentally ill.
Bob Casanova
2024-06-03 17:10:29 UTC
On Sun, 02 Jun 2024 20:07:17 -0700, the following appeared
Post by Still Bud
On Sun, 2 Jun 2024 20:25:06 -0500, "Richard Carl Silk"
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people
Dave Dalton is NOT a 'normal' person. He IS seriously mentally ill.
Ya think? ;-)
Bob C.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'"

- Isaac Asimov
David Dalton
2024-06-04 04:59:00 UTC
Post by Still Bud
On Sun, 2 Jun 2024 20:25:06 -0500, "Richard Carl Silk"
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people
Dave Dalton is NOT a 'normal' person. He IS seriously mentally ill.
Well, if you consider that people such as Rama, Krishna, Jacob,
Moses, Buddha, Amergin, Quetzalcoatl, Jesus, Taliesin, and
the Havamal composer have existed in the past, you can’t rule
out the slim possibility that I am similar to them, though in my
case my primary siddhi is matchmaking. (All of them has and
I have the special abilities determination ability.)

Also I can’t be said to be delusional since I won’t believe
for sure that my stuff is working without evidence. The
last time I had blind belief in perineum click divination
led to my last mental health ward hospitalization, which
ended in early July of 1996. And currently my mood,
energy, sleep, and relations with other people offline
are very good, but I continue to be eccentric online.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
Richard Carl Silk
2024-06-07 15:13:11 UTC
Hey David, some info for you here:

Sorry if the attributions get a bit muddled, but I'm using copy/paste to put
another of your replies into this one:

"David Dalton" <snip> wrote <snip>
On Jun 2, 2024, Richard Carl Silk wrote <snip>
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having an opinion."
No, it is a special ability, which I divine that Jung also had.
So first off, here's simply a suggestion, and it has to do with the "color" (or
"flavor," "tone," "nature") of the word(s) being used:

The word that *most* people use in the context of your above sentence is
"intuit" (although not too many people have adequate grammar skills to do so.)
Example: [No, it's intuition, which I intuit that Jung also had.]

The nature of this suggestion flows as follows: Try using the word "intuit" (or
"intuition") rather than "divine" for a period of time, say, a good month, to
see if any of the responses you get happen to change in nature (mainly from less
of ridicule, to more that of having an interest in your opinion(s.))

Usage of the word "divine" automatically puts people into woo-woo mode, and that
is *far* less serious than being simply interested, having one's interest

Also, if you actually wish to put yourself "on par" with Jung, may I suggest
aiming for a doctorate in either psychology, philosophy, or possibly both?

Using the word "divine" (as in giving yourself any "divine" attribution) belongs
to the realm of those who may actually perform divine healing, or prophecy (not
of the future, but of the here and now, with people you meet on the street, whom
you've never met in person. Take for example, the discussion Jesus has with the
Samarian woman at the well.)

Speaking of Jesus (see also: DiscussingJesus.quora.com , as well as
TinyURL.com/IntroToTheAdvocate ) He teaches (as recorded in John 5:31-) "If I
bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true." Learning to speak of oneself
in the third person (objectively) takes a bit of practice, but with serious,
personal attention, may be learned within a period of a few weeks. After all,
with one's whole life (actually, eternity for some) ahead of you, why wait to
start practicing?? The reward comes in learning to "speak truly" rather than

DD:>> > Using my special abilities determination ability, I have divined that
Donald Trump has dream interpretation ability (for his own dreams and the dreams
of others).

(That's where the comment:> Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having
an opinion." < comes in. Trump is a unique figure in world history. IF one
were so inclined, it *is* possible to find reference to him in the Book of the
Revelation of Saint John, possibly also in the Book of Daniel. But I'll leave
that for the reader to do his or her own homework.)

Other post content:>
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Well, if you consider that people such as Rama, Krishna, Jacob, Moses,
Buddha, Amergin, Quetzalcoatl, Jesus, Taliesin, and the Havamal composer have
existed in the past, you can't rule out the slim possibility that I am
similar to them, though in my case my primary siddhi is matchmaking. (All of
them has and I have the special abilities determination ability.)
From the context clue, it appears that the word "siddhi" is akin to "talent," or
even "personal talent." While there may be a relatively "balancing" effect
possible in some Hindu/Buddhist ideology, it *all* distills down to:
[0 = 0]
which, although a logically TRUE equivalence, grammatically says:
"All lies are truly lies."

To start on the path to advancement, study the Words of Jesus, which is helped
tremendously by obtaining a "Red Letter Edition" of the New Testament, where His
words are "written in red." Another great resources is at biblehub.com where
the *interlinear* (Greek original) text may be studied and *personally* intuited
as one begins reading His words for help in establishing a *perfect* (sovereign)
standard, by which all other input may be evaluated (for veracity / fallacy.)
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Also I can't be said to be delusional since I won't believe for sure that my
stuff is working without evidence."
There's some positive as well as negative that may be said for that position.
Rather than using [your] "stuff" as an objective, having Jesus as one's
objective provides a "higher fulcrum" with which to balance / measure / observe
/ analyze any two sides. For a real eye-opener as to the contrast He provides,
feel free to check out this *brief* allegory at:
tinyurl.com/itta/TCoU and feel free to reply here in this newsgroup.
Post by Richard Carl Silk
The last time I had blind belief in perineum click divination led to my last
mental health ward hospitalization, which ended in early July of 1996."
Ah! I *knew* I remembered you from *somewhere.*

Here's what's up with that (from an objective perspective): Let's say you
experienced something unusual (a "click," in this case) and sincerely sought to
understand what it was you experienced. Let's say (for the sake of argument)
that you formed an hypothesis, which led to some unusual mental as well as
physical consequences.

So whether you came to any conclusive evidence regarding the hypothesis *or
not!* - the event itself (the "cause") led you to where you are now (the
"consequence" of the action / cause.) In such a scenario, what happened (the
"click") may be considered as neither "good" nor "evil," but merely a "cause"
that had an "effect" which led you to the "present."

I dunno 'bout you, but personally, I think it's "good to be alive in the

Keeping that thought in mind, here's a "mantra" you may find helpful:

"I AM / NOW / One *is* the *consequence* of *all* past, *and* the *cause* of
*all* future." (I find this especially helpful in focusing one's own "karmic
balance/wheel" as it were.)
Post by Richard Carl Silk
And currently my mood, energy, sleep, and relations with other people offline
are very good, but I continue to be eccentric online.
Understood. I also use my offline activity to "sharpen" my personal
interactions *offline* with respect to decision making, and the gate-keeping of
what I seek to bring into my physical ("real") life or to pass, so as to let
whatever temptation there may be to "pass me by."

So here's the challenge for you (should you decide to accept it): Let your
*online* persona reveal your personal beliefs, and let your personal beliefs
reveal your true self when in the "real world." And yes, the online self may
feel like a "safer environment" in which to sharpen one's beliefs. It's a tad
similar to "the mirror world" in the "Dr. Strange" universe of Marvel Comics.

Meanwhile, I also keep what Jesus teaches, as recorded in Matthew 5:48, in mind
when functioning online, as well as AFK (away from keyboard):> "Be ye

To recap, the "click" you experienced (back in '96) was a moment in which the
*course* of your life changed. Whether it was a *single* "click" (more likely)
or a series of "clicks" (less likely, yet still probable) it was still a period
of transition, of change. If it helps, "Life" is constant change, changing
constantly. (It's also possible that you simply opened your 6th chakra for the
first time. As Jesus teaches, as recorded in Matthew 19:26- ... "...with God
all things are possible.")

(PS: I'm interacting in this thread via alt.dreams.)
2024-06-08 02:11:45 UTC
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Sorry if the attributions get a bit muddled, but I'm using copy/paste to put
"David Dalton" <snip> wrote <snip>
On Jun 2, 2024, Richard Carl Silk wrote <snip>
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having an opinion."
No, it is a special ability, which I divine that Jung also had.
So first off, here's simply a suggestion, and it has to do with the "color" (or
The word that *most* people use in the context of your above sentence is
"intuit" (although not too many people have adequate grammar skills to do so.)
Example: [No, it's intuition, which I intuit that Jung also had.]
The nature of this suggestion flows as follows: Try using the word "intuit" (or
"intuition") rather than "divine" for a period of time, say, a good month, to
see if any of the responses you get happen to change in nature (mainly from less
of ridicule, to more that of having an interest in your opinion(s.))
Usage of the word "divine" automatically puts people into woo-woo mode, and that
is *far* less serious than being simply interested, having one's interest
Also, if you actually wish to put yourself "on par" with Jung, may I suggest
aiming for a doctorate in either psychology, philosophy, or possibly both?
Using the word "divine" (as in giving yourself any "divine" attribution) belongs
to the realm of those who may actually perform divine healing, or prophecy (not
of the future, but of the here and now, with people you meet on the street, whom
you've never met in person. Take for example, the discussion Jesus has with the
Samarian woman at the well.)
Speaking of Jesus (see also: DiscussingJesus.quora.com , as well as
TinyURL.com/IntroToTheAdvocate ) He teaches (as recorded in John 5:31-) "If I
bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true." Learning to speak of oneself
in the third person (objectively) takes a bit of practice, but with serious,
personal attention, may be learned within a period of a few weeks. After all,
with one's whole life (actually, eternity for some) ahead of you, why wait to
start practicing?? The reward comes in learning to "speak truly" rather than
DD:>> > Using my special abilities determination ability, I have divined that
Donald Trump has dream interpretation ability (for his own dreams and the dreams
of others).
(That's where the comment:> Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having
an opinion." < comes in. Trump is a unique figure in world history. IF one
were so inclined, it *is* possible to find reference to him in the Book of the
Revelation of Saint John, possibly also in the Book of Daniel. But I'll leave
that for the reader to do his or her own homework.)
Gonna say trump is beast of the sea
But then who is Byron Donalds, the vp hopeful who just said blacks were
very happy under Jim Crow

Is he waiting for a great supper?

what he was TRYING to explain, he’s the worst orator in the world, and
isn’t doing blacks any favors. Get some other black Republican to explain
it then. Somebody with a brain.

HE doesn’t even have a “black nuclear family” himself!
He’s married to a white woman.
Which would of course be illegal in Jim Crow.
Did the “welfare policy” ruin that for him too?
Is he really that dense?
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Other post content:>
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Well, if you consider that people such as Rama, Krishna, Jacob, Moses,
Buddha, Amergin, Quetzalcoatl, Jesus, Taliesin, and the Havamal composer have
existed in the past, you can't rule out the slim possibility that I am
similar to them, though in my case my primary siddhi is matchmaking. (All of
them has and I have the special abilities determination ability.)
From the context clue, it appears that the word "siddhi" is akin to "talent," or
even "personal talent." While there may be a relatively "balancing" effect
[0 = 0]
"All lies are truly lies."
To start on the path to advancement, study the Words of Jesus, which is helped
tremendously by obtaining a "Red Letter Edition" of the New Testament, where His
words are "written in red." Another great resources is at biblehub.com where
the *interlinear* (Greek original) text may be studied and *personally* intuited
as one begins reading His words for help in establishing a *perfect* (sovereign)
standard, by which all other input may be evaluated (for veracity / fallacy.)
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Also I can't be said to be delusional since I won't believe for sure that my
stuff is working without evidence."
There's some positive as well as negative that may be said for that position.
Rather than using [your] "stuff" as an objective, having Jesus as one's
objective provides a "higher fulcrum" with which to balance / measure / observe
/ analyze any two sides. For a real eye-opener as to the contrast He provides,
tinyurl.com/itta/TCoU and feel free to reply here in this newsgroup.
Post by Richard Carl Silk
The last time I had blind belief in perineum click divination led to my last
mental health ward hospitalization, which ended in early July of 1996."
Ah! I *knew* I remembered you from *somewhere.*
Here's what's up with that (from an objective perspective): Let's say you
experienced something unusual (a "click," in this case) and sincerely sought to
understand what it was you experienced. Let's say (for the sake of argument)
that you formed an hypothesis, which led to some unusual mental as well as
physical consequences.
So whether you came to any conclusive evidence regarding the hypothesis *or
not!* - the event itself (the "cause") led you to where you are now (the
"consequence" of the action / cause.) In such a scenario, what happened (the
"click") may be considered as neither "good" nor "evil," but merely a "cause"
that had an "effect" which led you to the "present."
I dunno 'bout you, but personally, I think it's "good to be alive in the
"I AM / NOW / One *is* the *consequence* of *all* past, *and* the *cause* of
*all* future." (I find this especially helpful in focusing one's own "karmic
balance/wheel" as it were.)
Post by Richard Carl Silk
And currently my mood, energy, sleep, and relations with other people offline
are very good, but I continue to be eccentric online.
Understood. I also use my offline activity to "sharpen" my personal
interactions *offline* with respect to decision making, and the gate-keeping of
what I seek to bring into my physical ("real") life or to pass, so as to let
whatever temptation there may be to "pass me by."
So here's the challenge for you (should you decide to accept it): Let your
*online* persona reveal your personal beliefs, and let your personal beliefs
reveal your true self when in the "real world." And yes, the online self may
feel like a "safer environment" in which to sharpen one's beliefs. It's a tad
similar to "the mirror world" in the "Dr. Strange" universe of Marvel Comics.
Meanwhile, I also keep what Jesus teaches, as recorded in Matthew 5:48, in mind
when functioning online, as well as AFK (away from keyboard):> "Be ye
To recap, the "click" you experienced (back in '96) was a moment in which the
*course* of your life changed. Whether it was a *single* "click" (more likely)
or a series of "clicks" (less likely, yet still probable) it was still a period
of transition, of change. If it helps, "Life" is constant change, changing
constantly. (It's also possible that you simply opened your 6th chakra for the
first time. As Jesus teaches, as recorded in Matthew 19:26- ... "...with God
all things are possible.")
(PS: I'm interacting in this thread via alt.dreams.)
David Dalton
2024-06-08 02:16:16 UTC
A google of define divination produces:

the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by
supernatural means.

with a Wikipedia side box of

David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
Richard Carl Silk
2024-06-11 14:02:40 UTC
Definition of "intuit"- to know or understand something because of a feeling
that you have rather than because of facts or what someone has told you:

There's a difference between "getting info from another source" (which reflects
duality: tinyurl.com/itta-topic-ud ) in contrast with communicating with One's
Inner Self (aka "The Holy Spirit," "inner monologue," etc.) (which communes with
Post by David Dalton
the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by
supernatural means.
with a Wikipedia side box of
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
A wiseman builds his house upon the rock; the fool builds his house upon the

David Dalton
2024-06-04 05:00:34 UTC
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having an opinion."
No, it is a special ability, which I divine that Jung also had.
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Post by David Dalton
Using my special abilities determination ability, I have
divined that Donald Trump has dream interpretation
ability (for his own dreams and the dreams of others).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
2024-06-08 01:56:57 UTC
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Dude, normal people simply refer to that as "having an opinion."
Byron Donals wants to be Trump’s vp.

He is just racking up points in front of white donors for Trump’s pocket

He will not be the vp

It is gonna be that white guy from nebraskga

Trump wants his cash
Post by Richard Carl Silk
Meanwhile, what *anyone* (or group, or even God Himself!) may think, say or do,
happens to be [thy *neighbor's* business] per the 10th Commandment, as recorded
in Exodus 20:17.
Post by David Dalton
Using my special abilities determination ability, I have
divined that Donald Trump has dream interpretation
ability (for his own dreams and the dreams of others).
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
2024-06-08 01:53:45 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Using my special abilities determination ability, I have
divined that Donald Trump has dream interpretation
ability (for his own dreams and the dreams of others).
He has no such ability
His only ability is greed

trump wants a VP who has actual real cash, and made it honestly, unlike
If so, I hope if Burgum is stupid enough to take the position, he loses his
shirt because as we all know…. ETTD.