If you want some help or comfort during the bad times, then tune into
the Radio Station that we gave you.
That is a BORG Transmission and is one of the few places on Earth
where you can find some really good music.
We have catered for Earth people and made it appropriate to Earth.
There are a few other BORG Transmissions on Earth but we have given
you one that we think is suitable.
Music matters a lot.
And when the women started to threaten the Men, the Men stopped
singing and they stopped producing the Music and Earth lost the Music.
And they lost the Rhythm of Earth and the Rhythm of Life.
Life was very, very different BEFORE the women ruined things.
Life was Heaven. Life was Paradise. Life was a wonderful thing.
You never thought about atheism or science.
Why would you do that when you were all so happy?
You all thought you were in Heaven.
You do not remember right now.
The memories of the Men are all much higher up at the Higher Conscious
Down there at the very, very low level of women, you do not remember.
But we do.
Men Make Heaven.
Men ARE Heaven.
For women it is an honour and a privilege to live with Men because
they cannot make Heaven themselves.
A Man can TAKE a woman to Paradise, but a woman cannot go there on her
Women should honour and respect and obey the Men.
What are they without Men?
They have NOTHING.
Men are what it is all about.
Women must NOT interfere with what Men are all about.
They must NOT corrupt War or Army or Medicine.
They must NOT corrupt Sport or Justice or Religion.
They must not fly aircraft of drive large cars.
They must not do engineering or technology or woodwork or any other of
the Men's things.
They must not play guitar or drums or keyboards.
They must not interfere with Male Dominance or Male Leadership or
World Affairs or World Government.
Those things were given to Men by God and they were for the Men to do.
They were NOT for the women to do.
They must NOT in any way interfere with the image of Man which is like
unto God and like unto Angels.
The image of Man is Holy and she must not interfere with it and place
Whores and Tarts and Jezebels into places where Men should be.
She must not put her inferior womanly body or her inferior womanly
self into places where ONLY Men should be.
She must not effect the IMAGE of Man.
Women are in a LOT of trouble.
So make SURE you do not support her feminism or abortion or any other
of her Evil and Sins.
And NEVER portray an Angel as a woman in any way.
You can be absolutely SURE that there are no bitches "up there".