Official Auschwitz Figures!
(too old to reply)
2005-02-23 23:26:50 UTC
Official Auschwitz figures!

Official sources of information

31.12.1945 French Investigation Panel on Nazi-War-Crimes 8.000.000
19.08.1998 Chief Rabbi from Poland (Süddeutsche Zeitung) 6.000.000
20.04.1978 Le Monde (French daily paper) 5.000.000
23.01.1995 Die Welt (German daily paper) 5.000.000
20.04.1989 Eugen Kogon, Der SS-Staat (famous book of a holocaust
survivor, page 176) 4.500.000
31.12.1952 Der Neue Herder (Enzyclop., Germany) 7th edition 4.500.000
01.10.1946 IMT-Document 008-USSR (Nuremberg) 4.000.000
02.05.1997 USA-Today (daily paper USA)4.000.000
24.11.1989 Chief Prosecutor, Mr. Majorowsky, Wuppertal, Germany
(indictment 12 Js 1037/89) 4.000.000
26.07.1990 Allgem. Jüdische Wo.Ztg. (Jewish weekly, Bonn) 4.000.000
08.10.1993 ZDF-Nachrichten (German TV, ZDF-News Magazine) 4.000.000
25.01.1995 Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung (German daily paper)4.000.000
01.10.1946 IMT-Document 3868-PS (Nuremberg) 3.000.000
01.01.1995 Damals (official monthly magazine on history, sponsored by
the Bonn government) 3.000.000
18.07.1990 The Peninsula Times (daily, S.Francisco, USA) 2.000.000
25.07.1990 Hamburger Abendblatt (daily paper Germany) 2.000.000
27.01.1995 Die Welt (German daily paper, quoting Chancellor H. Kohl.
Minimum of 2 million) 2.000.000
02.05.1997 USA-Today (daily paper USA)1.500.000
11.06.1992 Allgem. Jüdische Wo.Ztg (Jewish weekly, Bonn)1.500.000
08.10.1993 ZDF-Nachrichten (German TV, ZDF-News Magazine) 1.500.000
23.01.1995 Die Welt (German daily paper) 1.500.000
03.05.2000 Die Welt (German daily paper) 1.500.000
01.09.1989 Le Monde (French daily paper) 1.433.000
02.02.1995 BUNTE Illustrierte (German weekly magazine) 1.400.000
22.01.1995 Welt am Sonntag (German daily, Sunday edition)1.200.000
27.01.1995 Die Welt (German daily paper)1.100.000
27.01.1995 IfZ (Institut for Contemporary History, München, a
government institution) 1.000.000
03.05.2000 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 1.000.000
31.12.1989 Pressac, Auschwitz, Technique ... (official report on
Auschwitz, commissioned by the Jewish Beate Klarsfeld Foundation)
27.09.1993 Die Welt (German daily paper) 800.000
22.01.1995 Welt am Sonntag (German daily, Sunday edition)750.000
01.05.1994 Focus (German weekly magazine) 700.000
23.01.1995 Die Welt (German daily paper) 700.000
31.12.1994 Pressac, Die Krematorien ... (2nd official report on
Auschwitz, commissioned by the Jewish Beate Klarsfeld Foundation)
08.01.1948 Welt im Film (British news reel, nbr. 137) 300.000
06.01.1990 Frankfurter Rundschau (German daily paper) 74.000
31.05.1994 Hoffmann, Stalins Vernichtungskrieg (Book on Stalin's war
by a renowned German historian, p.302 f.) 74.000
17.08.1994 Intern. Red Cross Arolsen - Department of holocaust
investigations (Ref. nbr.: 10824) 66.206

"'What are you writing?' the Rebbe asked. ' - Stories,' I said.
He wanted to know what kind of stories: true stories. 'About people you have knew?'
Yes, about people I might have known. 'About things that happened?'
Yes, about things that happened or could have happened. 'But they did not?'
No, not all of them did. In fact, some some were invented from almost the beginning
to almost the end. The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said
with more sorrow than anger: 'That means that you are writing lies!' I did not answer immediately.
The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself.
'Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; other are - although they never occurred.'"
Elie Wiesel in Legends of Our Time, Schocken Books, New York, 1982, p. viii of introduction.
2005-02-24 17:24:18 UTC
Post by s***@free.info
Official Auschwitz figures!
None of these are official Auschwitz figures.
Well alrighty then. You could produce a list of the "Official
What does that have to do with your continual lies?
The thread is about "Official Figures."

You say those are not "Official Figures" so I'm asking you to produce
your "Official Figures."

Can I expect them to be forthcoming or will you dodge and dance?
A lynchpin of the Holocaust loses his importance:
"Gerstein is a witness. Since he only visited the camps
once, he is not as important a witness as the German staff,
the Ukrainian guards, and the survivors who were there for
a longer period of time." Ron Jacobson 2/24/05
2005-02-24 19:56:05 UTC
Post by s***@free.info
The thread is about "Official Figures."
No it isn't. That's just the title you gave you cutting and pasting
another denier lie.
Why do you lie, Chris?
I don't lie and that's what pisses you off.
You lose again.
Can you post the "Official Figures?"
You don't seem to like mine.
What figures do you like besides six million?

"I have, Dr. Homeland, NEVER lied to anyone. Not in this forum, not to
the police, not to the media, not even to someone as beneath contempt as
you." Sara Salzman 10/08/04 [Sara's biggest whopper yet]
